Friday, July 15, 2011

Back to Normal with Food Pictures Again

It sure is nice to have power again!! Not to mention being able to take a warm shower! We had some cold showers there for a couple of days when the hot water ran out!

For breakfast this morning, I had light toast with PB and banana along with a glass of milk for 5 points.

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We ate cereal all week, so something different tasted good for breakfast!

I was going to workout this morning, but I am just so tired. So I went back to bed and woke up feeling much more refreshed. I plan on getting in some hard workouts this weekend.

Before signing in to work, I made an iced latte for 1 point.

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It is so good to be working from home again! Hubby temporarily fixed the internet and then the cable company came out in the morning and got everything connected to the house properly again. So it’s all good and back to normal! I really hate going into the office. Too much drama and it smells funny. lol

On my first break, I ate 2 peaches for 0 points.

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Hubby’s parents gave us a big box of this Missouri peaches and they are FANTASTIC! Unfortunately, when the power went out, we couldn’t keep them very cool and they all ended up looking like these. They almost look like oranges in this picture! I’ll have to find a good peach recipe to use them up! Any suggestions?

I also had a light string cheese for 1 point.

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I’m going to be honest with you. I didn’t do very well eating wise during this whole ordeal. I tried. But I’d get bored at night and snack. There were snack size Butterfinger’s involved and I just felt like CRAP. I am so happy to be back to normal eating again. I don’t like feeling like that!! My weight is up slightly, but I know it won’t take much to get back down to my lowest.

For lunch, I had coconut shrimp and a side salad made with lettuce, blackberries, pecans and Raspberry Vinaigrette for 7 points.

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For dessert, I had a homemade No Pudge! brownie for 2 points.

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I spent my breaks today catching up on laundry and the dishwasher. Things are starting to look a little more organized around here but I’ll be spending some time this weekend finishing up!

With all of the disarray, I almost forgot that Sunday night we booked a cruise for January!!! We are SO excited! it’s been a few years since our last vacation and neither of us have ever been on a cruise before! Now I have a goal to work for! I definitely want to be well under 200 lbs. for this!! And maybe I can get a cute dress for the elegant dinner night!? OoOoO! Something to look forward to! I can’t wait! We are going on a Western Caribbean Cruise. I have always dreamed of visiting the Caribbean!

Any tips to help us prepare for this cruise? Do you go an any excursions? Anything you wish you had brought (or not brought) with you? Any excursions you recommend or don’t? I’d love your feedback!!

I’m going to finish up this post for the night because hubby and I are going to get home late tonight. We are going our for a good meal and going to run some errands. Not sure where we’re going but I have 17 points left for the day!

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Oooo - a cruise! I have been on 2 cruises, the last one in Feb of 2010. We did Carnival.

    Be prepared to do a lot of walking. The boats are huge. The excursions really depend on what type of vacationer you are. If you like to have every little detail planned, then do an excursion. If you like to be spontaneous, either go out on your own or book your excursion on shore with a local company rather than on the cruise ship. Those excursions are much cheaper usually.

    Don't even get me started on the food. Yes, you can eat healthy - but food is available 24/7, literally.

  2. Glad to see you're able to get your life back to normal. I've missed your food pics :)

    Oooh, a cruise! How fun!

  3. Hi Alissa, so excited for your cruise booking!!!! And very glad life is getting back to normal. Do you have enough peaches to make a batch of jam? Have a great rest of the weekend.

  4. i love love love cruises, hubby not so much so we don't go that often

    Yes book excursions and have fun fun fun :)

  5. A cruise how exciting! My husband and I went on a 7 day cruise for our honeymoon just this past Feb. excursions are pretty pricy. We stopped at Cozumel Mexico and just walked around ate sum authentic mex food and layed on the little beach there. It was so nice. We went to Belize next and went on a driving excursion it was crazy! Then we went into this rain forest and my husband got bite by some insect bad. So bring incest repellant! We went to hondurus and it had a beach, and Grand caymens we went on another driving excursion that stopped us at lots of interesting places. Def do not buy your excursions from the boat much cheaper once you arrive there. People will be holding signs and you can choose then. The food in my opinion was not that good. they have lots of fruits and veggies though. Be careful lots of sweets! We had a blast any questions and I will try to answer them...just ask!

  6. Hi! I am new to your blog and just love it! I am also on WW. Those coconut shrimp look amazing. What brand are they? Or, are they homeade?



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