Thursday, February 3, 2011

Is Winter Over Yet?

For breakfast I had 1 cup of oatmeal with 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries and 1 cup of 1% milk for 7 points.

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I was up early this morning to study for a test that I had today. What better way to study my notes than while biking on the stationary bike! Usually I’m falling asleep when studying, but this kept me alert. I biked for 30 minutes and burned 145 calories. The bike stopped tracking my distance again…!

And I studied some more!

It was so cold this morning. When I left for school it was –8 before the wind chill. I ate a banana before leaving.

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I officially hate my first class. The professor is a moron. The second class was just an exam- which I’m pretty sure I aced! Which is a great feeling. Thanks to my workout studying session! Smile

On the way home, I ate a Peanut Butter Cookie Larabar for 6 points. I still can’t believe these are made out of dates and nuts! Amazing!

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I took the day off of work- so it was nice not to have to rush home after school today.

For lunch, I had a salad made of lettuce, feta, BBQ chicken, walnuts, tomato and a little bit of ranch dressing for 5 points.

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It’s crazy that the Larabar had more points than this salad, huh?

I also had a slice of toast with whipped chive cream cheese for 3 points.

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And for a sweet treat, I had fresh strawberries with a drizzle of chocolate syrup for 1 point.

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While I worked on homework, I drank some Duchess Grey tea and snacked on a Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate square with caramel. I was craving chocolate this afternoon!

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I was hungry in the afternoon, so I had 1 oz. cheddar cheese for 3 points.

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I started to feel depressed in the evening. I’m tired of the winter time- I want to go outside and ride my bike, run, walk, or just sit in the sunshine.

I need to clean the house and I can’t get myself motivated to do it. Sometimes I feel like such a lazy bum and I don’t take care of the house the way I need to. But then I remind myself that I work a full time job, go to school part time, and spend the majority of my free time doing homework. Not that our house is terrible… But I could make a lot of excuses.

And then I let little comments bother me. I can get so many compliments and encouragement that far outweigh the negative things people say to me, but one little comment that I’m doing things wrong just throws me for a loop. I start doubting myself. I forget all of the positive things and focus on the negative. I forget about all of the success I have had thus far. I guess that teaches me the power of negativity and how destructive it is. It teaches me that I want to be positive and encouraging in my words to others. It can make me be a better person.

So I start feeling down and out about myself and I hate that.

I went ahead and ate supper alone because I was so hungry and hubby was going to be a bit later. I had 2 stuffed clams (still love ‘em!) and green beans for 5 points.

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I still have 2 points left and I will save them for when hubby gets home and we can eat something for dessert together. I’m actually thinking that using a couple of weekly points and making an ice cream sundae sounds just perfect.

I’m so glad that tomorrow is Friday!!


  1. Winter can be challenging. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Your salad looks great!

  2. I've noticed the days are starting to get a little bit lighter later in the day, so spring is coming!

    When you blog, you just have to let stuff roll off your back. With a variety of readers, guaranteed that there will be those that eat differently than you. That's okay. Also, the printed word sometimes can be read as more harsh because you don't have the voice inflection in there.

    I actually kind like those comments because they make me think and sometimes try something different or just reaffirm that I am doing what's right for me.

    Unfortunately, the larger your readership grows, the more of this you will have to deal with.

  3. I completely agree that Spring needs to get here soon- I'm so tired of the cold (and we don't even have the snow you got!) and just want to be able to take Chris outside and play.

    Don't let the negative comments get to you, you've lost over 70 lbs so far- obviously you're doing something right! Constructive criticism is one thing, but if it's just plain hateful and unnecessary, it isn't worth your time to even worry about people like that! Just keep swimming! ;)

  4. I get so tired of the crappy weather - I could use sun!

    Forget the negative people - you are doing amazingly!

  5. Don't let anyone bring you down, you are awesome!!!
    Way to exercise while studying

  6. I can't believe I still haven't tried those bars!

    I hate negative comments... Just remember you're awesome! :D

  7. Right - those negative comments -
    it's best to learn from them and move on!

  8. I hate when I get negative comments, but I try not to let them bring me down. You are amazing, remember that today :)


  9. Use the motivation from the aces test to clean the house! Go you! ::)

  10. Winter isn't fun, I agree w/ya there. But don't let those things get you down! You are strong & positive, just keep those things in mind.

    PS those strawberries w/chocolate look amazing! I can't wait for summer when they are cheap again!!

  11. I too am ready for spring!!! I need the sunlight!!! :)

    Sorry about the negative comment...I had one on my blog about a month ago that wasn't even diet related, and it honestly devastated me. I didn't day anything about it for a couple of days, and then confided in my husband. He reminded me that our blogs are only a glimpse of who we are, and that the person that left the comment did not know my life, they only assumed the did. The person that left the negative comment for you may have assumed something about you, but you know your truth. You know the success you have accomplished. Stay strong and keep on keeping on! :)

  12. Winter always has me gaining- lets hope the groundhog was right- early spring!!!

  13. Stuffed clams - they look great! Good idea. Cheers, Rick

  14. Awww...wish I could give you a hug. I'm half a continent away, so can only send you a virtual hug ( ) and tell you that you are a complete inspiration to me in my weight loss journey and on my blog!!! Hang in there, and don't let anyone get you down!!! You are doing sooo well!!!

  15. I have an award waiting for you! Visit me aThe Journey of Lucyt

  16. It's unfortunate that people have to bring others down. I know what you mean, though. I'm extremely sensitive, and one rude comment upsets me for a while. The important thing to remember is that this journey is different for every one. No one has the right answer. You've got to do what's good for Alissa!


  17. The person that left the negative comment for you may have assumed something about you, but you know your truth.



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