Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weigh in Day

This morning I weighed in at 212.2, losing 2.2 lbs. this week. I’m happy I had a loss- but I just hate trying to lose weight that I already lost once (since I gained 3.6 lbs. last week). But I was sick all week, went over my points, and barely exercised- so really, I’m lucky I lose 2.2 lbs.! I’m going to be happy about it! Hopefully this week I can lose at least the last 1.4 lbs. of the 3.6 I gained last week. That’s the goal! That puts me at losing 3.4 lbs. in the month of January- just under my 4 lb. goal per month. I am happy with that. It’s progress!

Last night was a COLD, COLD night in this old house. The winds were howling, over 30 mph with snow coming down. This morning we woke up to some BIG drifts!! It’s always exciting to see what Mother Nature came up with after the storm. Smile

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I love working at home, and not having to worry about driving to work in the snow- but I do miss my snow days!! Hubby got a snow day. But I was glad I didn’t have to go anywhere when I looked at the road conditions! Yep, all the roads were closed around us!


Last night, one of our neighbors tried to go somewhere. We saw him pull out of his driveway, pull down the alley and get stuck. Turned right back around, drove back into his garage and stayed home for the night. Winking smile

For breakfast, I had toast with almond butter and sliced bananas along with 1 cup of 1% milk for 8 points.

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For my first break, I ate strawberries and blueberries for 0 points of yumminess!

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Hubby was outside all morning removing the immense drifts of snow from our driveway and sidewalks. I felt bad for him out in the cold!

I was asked to work from 7-6, which I agreed to, but turned out more people made it into work so I didn’t have to. Fine with me!

For lunch, I had a grilled cheese sandwich dipped in ketchup along with Bean and Bacon soup for 11 points.

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And I had a Skinny Cow for dessert for 4 points.

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I guess it was a comfort food kind of lunch.

By my last break, I could barely keep my eyes open. I brewed a cup of Dark Chocolate Raspberry coffee for 0 points.

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And ate 2 Cuties Clementines for 0 points.

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For supper, I had a chicken quesadilla, black beans, FF sour cream, guacamole, salsa and 4 tortilla chips (not pictured) for 10 points.

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For dessert, I had FF/SF vanilla pudding with a sliced banana and just a dab of caramel for 2 points.

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That puts me at using 1 weekly point today. Not a bad day, but I want to do better tomorrow.

I’ll probably have something for a snack later on when hubby and I watch the latest episode of BL!

We’re half way through the week!! Open-mouthed smile


  1. Great job on the loss. I know its sucks to have gained last week but these are definitely the moments that define us. When we come out of a not so great situation and keep moving forward, thats the real deal right there. Keep it up!

  2. YAY for the loss!!! omigosh it must be freezing. I've never really been around snow so I think it looks beautiful! :)

  3. Congrats, Alissa! You're doing great! Being sick always throws me off, too. I was a total slug last week fighting this cold, so I'm not sure what the scale will say for me tomorrow! Either way, I gotta keep on keepin' on! We'll get there!

  4. Congrats on the weight loss! Those snow pictures are impressive. Wow.

  5. Great job on the loss!

    I really notice you eating lots more fruit now :D

  6. Awesome job on the loss!!! And that's some crazy snow! We freak out over an inch here in Memphis, so I can't even imagine what working around that amount of snow would be like! Be careful and stay warm!

  7. I just don't know how you do it! I could not handle the snow! We had a balmy 77 degree day here in FL.

    Great job on the 2.2 loss! And your eats looked especially delish today :)

  8. great job on the loss despite the chilly weather and all. keep up the great job girl!

  9. You are doing awesome! I loved the photo's of all of your food choices! Everything was so healthy! I have never heard of anyone dipping their grilled cheese in ketchup, that cracked me up. CONGRATS ON YOUR LOSS!
    Have a pretty day!

  10. Congrats on the loss, and almost making the goal for the month. Keep at it! Cheers, Rick

  11. That's great that you got most of your gain off, it'll all be gone next week!

  12. Woo Hoo!!! 2.2 down is GREAT. You'll drop the rest of that little gain of last week in NO time!!! Holy smokes, that is QUITE the dump of snow!! Hang in there, spring can't be far off!!!

  13. Good Job on the weight loss! And my gosh that's a lot os snow!!

  14. Well done on the weight lost.
    I tried the shake and wrote about it on my blog with a link to yours ;;;;)

    Check this link.

    This is currently such an eye opener for me...

  15. I can't get over that snow. Makes me shiver a little looking at it. Brrr!! Stay warm, girl.

    Congrats on the weigh in!!! Celebrate it because 2.2 pounds in a week is great!

  16. Your food pics always look so good, but that pudding/banana/caramel looks especially delicious!! And the snow is beautiful! Glad you didn't have to get out in it.

  17. That is one heck of a snowstorm! You even have more than we do here... it can go away now... we won't complain! :)

    Awesome job on the loss, sweets! You're doing great. Even if you're re-losing that weight, you're still losing. :)

  18. I hate to lose weight I have already lost too, but every little bit helps :)

  19. Congrats on your loss!
    Your snow pics look like ours! I haven't been brave enough to go outside and take pictures, but the sun is out today, so I think I will once the little man goes down for a nap :)


  20. Yay!
    And look at that.
    All that snow shoveling must make a person ready for some resting!
    Or something.

  21. Congrats on the loss! I have weigh in tomorrow and am very nervous. I hope I did half as well as you.

  22. just discovered your blog. Your inspiring. Think I could learn a few recipes here :^)

  23. Yay loss!!!

    Your snow looks like ours! The snow in front that's been shovelled off my tiny sidewalk is start to partially cover my front window.

    Oh and I'm going to make pudding RIGHT NOW.

  24. These blog is really very inspiring and in all these there are so many things which is great and one of the cool it can be inspiring so many things.



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