Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday Update

I’m so glad it’s Thursday and a 3 day weekend with hubby home is just around the corner! We don’t have any big plans, but we plan to try to get a few things done around the house—which we badly need to do! Everything has been so crazy this past year that I feel like we were over our heads and have fallen behind on a lot of things—it will take some time to catch up again.

This past week has been pretty average. On Tuesday, I went to Kohl’s to exchange a dress for Sienna that was too small. She also needs some new PJs for spring/summer and hubby wanted some black and gray undershirts. I also found a skirt for myself, but the jury is still out on whether or not I like it. What do you think?

I imagine wearing it with my new denim shirt and a white tee—and if I wanted to get really trendy, I could wear a fedora hat! I love that look but I don’t usually wear hats.

Yesterday, I was super tired all day long. I should have just taken a nap, but instead I just sat around doing nothing and wanting to snack—which I did a little too much of. I must sleep when I’m tired!!

And then when I’m tired is when my anxiety and everything else kicks in. So our church meeting didn’t go so well with Sienna. Hubby takes care of her most of the time because of my issues. I just wanted to cry. Everyone was so nice afterwards and told us that she did really well and that they could tell us all kinds of stories about trying to take care of their children during the meeting—they’ve all been there. That was an encouragement to me.

This week I reached out to someone to try to make a new friend and was kind of rejected. My first try and it didn’t work out—I don’t think she really meant it to be anything against me but still…I didn’t need that on my first try!! haha

But the good news is that someone reached out to me and invited me to get together with her and another friend of mine to do a little craft project. We’re going to paint flower pots. Afterwards, we’re going to visit a new coffee shop. That’s this afternoon. I sure hope baby girl can handle everything…and me too!

Baby girl continues to be so silly. Last night, she was cheesing at everybody and giggling. She isn’t shy at all. She has been walking a little more lately. She started “singing” and whistling. Oh my goodness it’s so funny. Also, if I ask her what a kitty says, she makes this meow noise that requires her to stick her tongue all of the way out of her mouth to make. She’s also getting to be quite naughty and has quite the attitude at times. I guess if she’s still doing this stuff at 6 years old then we’ll worry—probably just another phase!

Weigh in day tomorrow…I’m not sure how it will go really. Hoping for the best.

I better get going because I don’t have a lot of time to get ready!!


  1. That sounds like a fun afternoon! I like the skirt too!!

  2. I think the skirt is super cute! I love your style.

    It's hard to put yourself out there to make friends; that's something that my therapist helped me with. The first time she asked me to visualize myself inviting someone for coffee, I broke into a sweat and nearly had an anxiety attack! I finally worked up the courage to invite this particular person for coffee, and it didn't work out the first 2 times I asked, but the third time was a charm. The thing that I had to remember what that a rejection wasn't a knock against me; sometimes life just gets in the way, and honestly, not everyone wants to be friends with me--and that's okay.

    I'm glad that someone reached out to you; sounds like it will be a fun "date"! ;)

  3. My bloglovin hasn't been telling me you've posted! I was worried about you disappearing and then realized you didn't! Lol There is a couple at our church with a little girl about 17 months old. Oh me. She escapes all the time and runs around the church. Then they have to get her. LOL It's a mess, but it's funny. All parents have stories like that. It gets better. :)



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