Friday, May 29, 2015

Weigh in Day: It's the Effort that Counts

You all know how excited I was to weigh in today after knowing that I put in the effort this week. I had some hungry days as I stayed dedicated to sticking to my points. I felt really good about myself, I feel smaller, and better overall.

I was expecting a big loss, but I only lost .6 lb.

Eh, that's OK because in just shy of two months I have lost a total of 11.2 lbs. Next week's weigh in will be my 2 month mark. I lost 6.6 lbs. in April and will be interested to see what I lose total in May- so far that's 4.6 lbs.

I'm going to start doing my weekly stats in a chart so I can compare the previous week's results with the current week's results.

This Week
Last Week
Weekly Points Used:
Activity Points Earned:
Activity Points Used:
Total Steps:
Weight Loss this Week:
-.6 lb.
-.3 lb.
Total Weight Loss:
-11.2 lbs.

Kind of crazy how that works, huh? I ate a lot more last week and moved less and I only lost .3 more this week than last!

I need to find that sweet spot, which is why I am tracking all of this. My biggest weight loss in a week to date (excluding my first week weigh in) was 3.8 lbs. That week I used 48/49 weekly points and earned 29 activity points. Apparently I need to eat more and move less. lol Joking. But really, maybe it wouldn't hurt to eat some activity points-- I will just keep watching my stats to see what works for me!

How did you do this week?


  1. LOL Oh how I wish your proposed method worked! I'd be a bone right now! :) Hey, you logged a loss. We all know any number of things can affect the scale - sore muscles from mowing, hormonal stuff, a rough night's sleep. It's all so finicky! Has your doctor ever checked you for PCOS? I guess you probably don't have that, since you got pg and all. Lauryn just got diagnosed and put on metformin, which is supposed to help people with PCOS to lose while dieting and exercising. They have a hard time even when trying. Now you've lost great, so this is all just random stuff coming off the top of my mind that I felt like mentioning. Lol

  2. You're doing amazingly well!! Keep up the great work!!

  3. .6 is awesome! I know whenever I ramp up my exercise, I'm probably going to maintain or gain for a week or two--my muscles like to hold a lot of water, apparently. Once everything evens out, I usually have a big loss. You're doing great!



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