Monday, May 4, 2015

Friday’s Weigh in and Update

I have been super busy since Thursday and haven’t had a moment to check in to tell you about my weigh in. I don’t have anything exciting to share. After a week of staying on track and doing well I gained .3 lb.

I ate supper at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday night and I’m pretty sure that just threw my weigh in so it’s not a big deal that I had a gain this week—it was simply water retention, etc. and I’m sure of it. We had a last minute at-home date night and it was well worth it! I even stuck to my points—I ended up using 1 Activity Point though.

  • Weekly Points Used: 49/49
  • Activity Points Used: 1
  • Activity Points Earned: 27
  • Total steps: 52,044
  • Weight Loss this Week: +.3
  • Total Weight Loss to Date: –6.6 lbs.

Hubby took Friday off of work and so I decided to fit in all of my appointments while he would be around. On Thursday afternoon, I met with my counselor and we had a great discussion about dealing with negative people and how to break the cycle in those relationships. I will write a post on this at a later date because it’s really good information and will take a lot of practice on my part.

On Friday morning, hubby and I worked on cleaning the house and getting everything ready for company and baby girl’s first birthday party. The house is looking infinitely better and that makes me feel better too. Now I can work on the smaller cleaning projects and not feel so overwhelmed by it all.

That morning I also had an appointment with my PA. It was a blood pressure, asthma, and general check up and talk about my postpartum depression progress. The good news is that my blood pressure is great and I haven’t been having any asthma trouble—I’m kind of wondering if there was mold in the office that I used to work at because I would have a terrible time whenever I was there.

I mentioned my FitBit sleep patterns because they have been horrible and they weren’t like that a few years ago. Seriously, it will show me restless 37x in the night. She wants me to do a home sleep study to make sure I don’t have sleep apnea because that could cause my lack of energy too. Ugh. Another reason to get this weight off!!! The office is checking into it all and with my insurance.

My parents arrived on Friday afternoon and so my mom accompanied me to my psychiatrist appointment. At my request, she added an anxiety medication and I’m hoping that will help me while I learn the skills to cope. I am a complete and utter disaster when something “stressful” to me is going on and I cannot live like that.

After that, we picked up party supplies and a couple more birthday gifts and then headed home. This was the first time that hubby watched baby girl while I was gone for longer than an hour or so. My parents bought her a wagon as part of her birthday present and she absolutely loves it (and so does Hubby)! Hubby and my dad walked around with her in that to keep her happy.


Since Friday was her birthday, we had cake pops to celebrate. I gave her the cake pop and she knew exactly what to do. She just held onto the stick and took little bites. It was pretty cute.


The rest of the weekend was filled with party prep, the actual party, and lots of resting to recover. I am glad it’s all over and that we survived it all. I am not quite up for having company like that yet and that was very evident to me during all of this. Thank GOODNESS my parents were here and everyone pitched in to help—it was a team effort. I can’t wait to show you all of the photos from the party!

On another note, I ate pretty terribly this weekend! I did a whole lot of stress eating and I just didn’t care. Obviously, I do not know how to deal with stress in a healthy way—but I’ll get there. I counted every single bite and I’m still on track—just about out of weekly points though!

How was your weekend?


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Mine was pretty good - got a fair bit done around the house, which was my goal. :-)

  2. Sounds like a busy weekend!! Love today's pictures and I can't wait to see pictures from the party....She is such a little cutie!!!

  3. I'm so glad your family was there to help you out during the crazy weekend. Entertaining is super stressful even if it is for a fun event like a birthday party :) Can't wait to see the photos!

  4. Awww, the 1 year mark. :) And you're right, 0.3 is nothing. It could hormone fluctuation, water retention, or a lack of sleep. I hope you don't have sleep apnea, but if you do at least that would give answers to your crazy sleep info on FitBit!

  5. Hi, just started reading your blog. I'm looking forward to reading more! I'm also doing WW... I have no shame about using up all of my WP's and AP's (if need be). Your baby girl is adorable!



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