Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Weigh in Day and how I feel

And here I stand before you with a shame face again.

If you remember, 2 weeks ago I had a bad weigh in—and that was ALL because of TOM. I had a really good week otherwise.

The next week, I struggled with getting on track and really never did. I was a bit relieved when I got stuck in the town I work in on weigh in day and another day after that—so I skipped weighing in that week.

This past week wasn’t very good. The weekend was terrible and I started to get back on track Monday and Tuesday—but I didn’t track!

So I weighed in this morning at 227.2—I have undone all of the weight loss I had accomplished in the first two weeks of January!! Almost all of that weight showed up on the scale on Monday of this week. Sad smile

All of this back and forth. This week, I commit to tracking. I commit to staying within my points. And I begin this clean eating endeavor on Monday.

I do very well throughout the day. I have been eating too much at supper time. I have been dining out with my parents and try to make healthy choices but have been deterred by the bread basket a few times. Last night, we ate at a salad bar—so I’m not quite sure why I gained more this morning, but my stomach was all upset…so that might explain some of the gain.

No one can help me except me. Plain and simple. There have been so many times I keep thinking, maybe I should just stop blogging all together—I’m not getting anywhere! But then I realize if I stopped blogging, a lot of accountability would be gone. So even if I am a big stagnant and going back and forth—hopefully I won’t gain more. Thank you for sticking by me through all of this. I PROMISE that someday I will get to goal.


  1. you've got this :) It's just one week. And in that week you have a mere 7 days to focus on. One at a time. One day of good choices at a time. Don't stop blogging :) Even if you're going back and forth, your drive to keep going is inspirational. I've built such an awesome group of friends to keep me on track through blogging, I couldn't do it without them!

  2. If you looked at my WI, you saw that I also undid everything in just a WEEK's time. I don't understand it. A lot of it has to be mental, some circumstantial, some hormonal, etc., but I know the main problem is ME. Blah. We will eventually get there!

  3. I've started tracking with my dinner first and filling in breakfast and lunch with points I have left on the next day. This has really helped me. I was eating too much during the day and over doing it for dinner and was going over in points everyday. Since dinner is my biggest meal I can eat smaller meals for Breakfast and lunch and not go over in points. It doesn't matter when your 24 hours of tracking starts.

  4. Blogging keeps me accountable too! Don't lose heart. You can do this!

  5. Keep using your blog to vent your frustration! It's a great outlet as well as a way to keep yourself accountable.

    Setbacks are totally normal...don't forget how far you've already come! Keep at this girl!

  6. We've all been there! The important thing is to get back to doing what you know works for you. Tracking is a great way to stay on top of things. Just do the best you can and you'll beat that scale up the next time to stand on him :)

  7. I know its discouraging sweetie, I havent been loosing like I want to either...and you are right only you can help yourself, but girl, seriously you are still SUCH an inspiration to me and you always will be!! Every day you pick back up and strive to be healthy, I will ALWAYS be a reader as long as this blog is up!! I think you should go back to your mini rewards, set those again and get back into wonderland girl!!!! lots of love!!!!

  8. Oh my goodness...I was feeling exactly the same way this morning! As someone else said, we've all been there. I'm so tired of taking two steps forward and one step back. You can do this!! I can do this :)

  9. I find your honesty refreshing. Anyone who has tried to lose weight has been met with the same obstacles you have struggled with. Just keep trying.... you will certainly never get there if you don't! Be proud of how far you have come & that you keep trying!

  10. You are an inspiration to me for what you did accomplish and even what you don't accomplish!! I enjoy ALL your posts and I hope you never stop blogging. I've been following a long time, I usually don't comment too much but I felt I had to now, because your blog is wonderful and honest. I'm in the same boat with weight loss. At least you TRY to make healthy choices, I get so tense and worked up with family commitments around dinner time I start grabbing and grabbing and make poor choices and then think I blew it might as well eat such and such cause I'll get back on track tomorrow! That happens more than once a week! I'm a mess!! BUT I am trying:-)

  11. One thing that's really helped my weight loss has been to prepare and eat my dinner at lunch. Having my carbs before 3pm and just a light protein supper really works for me! I'm a stay at home mom though and I imagine it would be much less realistic to pull this off when working. You will get through this girl!

  12. Your such a great inspiration I've just recently started blogging to keep me accountable for my workouts. Your doing great!

  13. You'll get there! I know it sucks to see the weight go back up but it'll come back off and you'll be able to get it back together :) meanwhile we will all be here to cheer you on!

  14. Your perseverance will get you to goal. While this may not be encouraging...I'm almost to my 4th year anniversary since the beginning of my weight loss journey and I am still 20 lbs. from my goal.

    However, [dramatic pause] I have kept the weight I've lost so far off and I keep going.

    You will get there! Just keep hanging on and keep going. We're rooting you on!! *hug*



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