Friday, February 22, 2013

Picture Post

Today I was able to work from home so I thought I’d do a picture post. I may be able to start doing these more often soon!

For breakfast, I made an egg white omelet with ham and cheese. I also had a slice of clean bread with cashew butter and a sliced banana on top. I also had my usual glass of skim milk.

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It was amazing how much more time I had this morning since I didn’t have to leave for work! I was able to do laundry, dishes, and read. Eventually, this will be the perfect time to work out.

I was ecstatic to be able to use my Keurig today!! I started the morning with this:

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Add a little Stevia and half and half. I am really missing my coffee creamer. I have tried making it various ways and nothing compares. It might just have to be my guilty pleasure.

I have to say that it felt so good to work in my pajamas today!

On my break, I ate Chobani 0% with 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbs. chia seeds, and fresh strawberries.

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I even had time to do laundry on my break. LOVE working from home.

It was a snowy day today—another reason I was glad to be home!

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And I had another cup of joe. I was still hungry, so I ate a homemade granola bar. It doesn’t really look like a granola bar. I’d almost call it a protein bar. It’s made with peanut butter. Satisfying and delicious.

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For lunch, I ate baked blue hake with carrots and a clean hummus.

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I was happy to be able to read my book over lunch again! It’s been a few months!

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I’m a used book kind of gal. I love to find books at thrift stores. I find books that I probably wouldn’t pick out at a book store. Always interesting reads…even if a little outdated.

I also ate clementines to fix my sweet tooth.

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Later on in the afternoon, I drank some tea. I love this Twinings Earl Grey Tea. Delish!

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And I ate a box of clean raisins.

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Raisins have been my go-to sweet treat. They are naturally sweet and satisfy my sweet tooth.

I was so hungry in the afternoon but I kept telling myself I would be eating supper soon and could wait. I was successful!

After work with job #1 was done, I had to go out in the cold snow to turn in my time card for job #2. Ick!

Someone asked recently if I still had my part time writing job—I do! Except now I write FULL time and a half. I am a full time technical writer for job #1 and part time reporter for job #2. Writing makes me happy. Smile

While hubby worked on clearing out the snow, I continued laundry, prepared for supper, and started cleaning our bedroom.

We made an investment in a new bed. This will be our third bed in six years. The one we have now is so terrible that I will wake up in the night feeling paralyzed with pain. This mattress is only a couple of years old too.

So, we bought a Sleep Number bed. I carried ALL of the components upstairs by myself and stored them in the guest room. That was a workout!!

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We will get that set up tonight and I’m excited to sleep on it!

I cooked a turkey breast in the crock pot today. It was delicious! For supper, I had turkey, low fat cottage cheese, and I was going to eat acorn squash (pictured) but it was disgusting and I didn’t eat it. I ended up eating a slice of light bread with pumpkin spice cream cheese instead.

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I also ate a side salad with spinach, fresh strawberries, almonds, and lite poppyseed dressing.

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As you can see, I didn’t eat totally clean for supper. But I don’t think my supper was “unhealthy” in any way. Just eating up what’s in the house…it will be a while before everything “unclean” is gone!

I was CRAVING a brownie. I decided to try making up a clean eating brownie in a mug.

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Wasn’t worth the points—8. But it satisfied that craving somehow…

After supper, I got started making a dessert that I’m bringing for dinner plans we have tomorrow night. Actually, someone hubby knows found my blog and invited us over. First time someone “in real life” has found me through the blog.

I still only share my blog with my close family (i.e. my mom, dad, sister, brothers, and sister in law…oh and my brother in law and his boss…long story lol). Only a few of them actually read my blog, and they are all so supportive and I trust them all. Always have.

I understand that putting my innermost thoughts, struggles, and sometimes triumphs on the internet opens me up to the possibility that someone I know might find it…and I think I’m ok with that…but it also worries me to death! lol.

Hubby tells me I don’t need to be ashamed in any way whatsoever. I try to assure myself that this is for the sake of expression. I must be voicing the things that many of us feel, think and experience, but don’t talk about. So if for nothing else, for the art of writing about experience! lol.

How do you feel about sharing your blog with people in your “real life”?

I am right at my points target for the day. If it weren’t for the brownie, I’d have a lot left! So I guess this was a good day!

It was nice to be home and nice to post like I used to. Do you like reading daily diary type posts?

Have a good weekend!!


  1. I have always lived your photo diary posts - they inspire my meals!

  2. I like daily posts..when I have time to read them. Today I had time and enjoyed catching up. :)

    Telling people I know in real about my blog didn't happen until about a year or so ago. Before then only some close friends and my family knew. It was scary, but I've also had friends tell me they are so inspired now that they've read my story. It's worth it for that.

    I always tell people, you're going to read about some real life struggles and hopefully you won't think I'm crazy! LOL

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I am jelly of the following! A. you get to work from home!!! luckyyy!!! B. Your orange keurig. C. SNOW!!! Haha I am soo happy you did a pic post! I miss your food pics they always look amazing!!! Hope your doing well !! I feel weird too sorta when real life people read hahaha so i know what you mean.

  4. Don't forget the fat!!!!! Eat the whole egg ~ yes, the yellow has fat, but it's good fat and THAT's where all the nutrients are. You're doing awesome!!!!

  5. If you have time could you share (or direct me) your protein bar recipe? Lookas really good! your food always does;)Thanks!

  6. there are only about 1 or 2 folks from my life that follow my blog, and 2 family members... I think my boss would FREAK out ... I am a grocery store manager... and I don't really endorse my employer :(

  7. I love your picture posts!
    I'm also in love with my Keurig :)
    Some people from work follow me on my blog and instagram so there are a few things I don't talk about.

  8. As time goes by, I'm more and more comfortable with sharing my blog. BUT...there are a couple of family members who don't know about it. Just not into the judgement that I know they'd give me. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I'm VERY selective about who I share my blog with. No one in my family knows and just my close friends know. I know a couple of those friends have told one other friend but in both cases, they told me and I would have told that person myself anyway so I was okay with that. If someone came across it, I'm sure I'd be a bit embarrassed at first but I'm careful not to write about people or work in a negative manner. Hehe - so far.

  10. Your food looks so yummy!

    If you cut your banana in half for your toast, then cut it lengthwise it usually fits perfectly on a slice of bread, just a tip ;D

  11. I usually have a few almonds and a few raisins mixed together for a snack. To me, it tastes like I'm eating a candy bar. I pre-measure little snack bags out so I can grab and go. Adding protein to your snack staves of cravings and keeps you satisfied longer.



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