Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Do something healthy, even if you don’t wanna!

I grudgingly hopped onto the treadmill this morning for a repeat of yesterday’s workout:

1/4 mile—3 mph warm up walk

1 mile—4.5 mph jog

1/4 mile—3 mph cool down walk

Total time was 23:20 for 1.5 miles. Ugh. It was really tough today. I wanted to quit but I didn’t. I wasn’t imagining it because I actually burned more calories than yesterday. Today I burned 287 calories and yesterday I burned 274. Just a smidgen, I know. lol.

My average HR zone was 4.1 and max was 5.5, each of these was .1 higher than yesterday. I think it was a mental thing. I woke up feeling kind of sad (bad dreams, I suppose) and then I hopped on the scale to see I hadn’t lost that much since gaining some on Monday morning.

AND I have to weigh in at work today for the contest and I don’t want to gain. We’ll see. This is why I know I shouldn’t do contests…I put enough pressure on myself and really don’t need the extra pressure of a “contest”.

Woe is me. I’ll stop complaining.

What I should be happy about:

  1. I stuck with my goal and have run 2/5 days this week so far and we’re on day 2.
  2. I ran the 1 mile without stopping.
  3. Even if I dread the workout, it should improve my overall health—so I should just deal with it and be good to my body.

One thing that worries me is my asthma/allergies/whatever it is. There is something in the air at work. I’m not sure if it’s mold or what it is, but I typically get all stuffed up and feel like I can’t breathe at work. It’s just a typical day for me.

Yesterday was 3x as bad. I had to do my inhaler two times in the 8 hours I was there (it can only be used every 4 hours). I was coughing a lot and felt like I couldn’t breathe. I know it’s just at work because when I leave I feel better.

So I’m hoping running in the morning isn’t going to mean that I get sick since I am breathing bad air at work. I CANNOT wait to be home!

Now it’s time to be positive. I am going to have a good day. I actually have a perfect attendance recognition breakfast this morning for an hour. This is my second year of perfect attendance. Kind of amazing to me! But I guess I’m a dedicated employee…and childless, which probably has something to do with it. lol.

Have a good day! And do something healthy even if you don’t wanna—your body will pay you back with good health.


  1. I'm about to do my walk right now! I'd rather be sleeping! LOL Eek about the air quality issues. That would be rough!

  2. Way to power through that treadmill workout Alissa.

  3. Good for you! It is hard to work out when you just aren't "feeling it," but you always feel better afterwards!

  4. yay for your run and perfect attendance!!! you are awesomesauce~!! Oh I also gave u a little shout out on the ole blog today hehe!

  5. Way to go!

    I do have a question though....I am looking at joining WW online, pre baby #2 and #3 I did WW and meet my goal and LOVED it. I know they have changed a bit with their programs and was looking for opinions on what (if any) kits/books/guides to get? Thanks if you see this and can offer any opinions :)



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