Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Weekend

Saturday marked the start of my husband and I counting points together. I have to tell you that this is such a huge motivation for me! This morning we both lost weight. :)

I am having such fun planning meals for the both of us. He gets considerably less points than me, so I find that challenging to plan meals for him. It also makes me have more appreciation for those of you with so few points to eat during the day! I'll be there someday, but for now, I need all of my points!

Day one for my husband found him eating all of his points and 12 of his weekly points. He didn't even realize how many calories were in what he is eating. We went to eat lunch with my FIL Saturday and he cooked brats. Those kinds of things add up! Otherwise, he did great! I'm proud of him for taking a stand to lose the weight he wants to lose. He wants to lose about 19 lbs, which I think is going to make him TOO skinny! We'll see! :) I told him to set a goal reward for himself, so he's looking forward to LED tail lights for his truck. I think that he has a lot more understanding for how I struggle sometimes now that he is doing it too. He has never dieted (or needed to, not that he even needs to now...) in his life!

Tonight was the perfect example of how we can help each other. Each of us was still hungry a while after supper and wanted a snack, but since he said we better not, it helped me not to eat any more! I'm so glad that we can do this together, it's such a great motivator for me!!

1 comment :

  1. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying sharing the weight loss journey with your husband. I've still been too scared to tell anyone, but sharing the experience with your family is supposed to make things easier and make people more likely to succeed.

    Congrats on both you and your hubby resisting the call of late night snacking!



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