Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just Another Thursday

This morning I decided to try out my Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga dvd again. Yoga looks so cool and stylish to me, but actually doing it is so hard! I really wish that I had the strength that the people in the video have to be able to hold those moves. Some of them I am ok with but others are about impossible! I guess it will just take time and persistence.

I found out yesterday that I don't have enough money from my direct loans to cover my 2 classes. I am about $700 short. I don't know how anyone could afford going to school? It was a big sigh of relief to learn that my school will let me set up a 3 month payment plan. I was so afraid I would have to drop a class. I still have to buy books on top of that! I'm actually looking forward to going back. I'm going to love my work schedule if I get what I requested!

I'm so happy that tomorrow is finally Friday! Really looking forward to the weekend, as always. Tonight, we're just going to relax and I can't wait! Yummy supper planned for tonight! My eating has been right on track. I actually had .5 point left over last night! :)


  1. Glad things will work out for you. For some reason the possibilities the new year holds is always exciting.

    Good luck to you!!

  2. School is really just so expensive. I'm glad you still found a way to take all your classes.

    Way to go with keeping the diet on track!



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