Saturday, April 11, 2015

Comfort Food for the Soul Recipe #HAWMC

Yesterday’s HAWMC topic was to share a comfort food recipe—and  we all know that I have plenty of those recipes, but I wanted to approach this topic a little differently because I struggle with emotional eating.

Food for comfort. We all do it, but it can be a dangerous road to travel if we begin to turn to food for comfort regularly instead of coping in a healthier way. It is most certainly the reason I am overweight, and it’s a difficult habit to break.

So today, I’m sharing a recipe for Comfort Food for the Soul.


  • Unlimited Hugs
  • Handful or two of special kisses from a loved one
  • 1 prayer
  • 1 Walk outside to enjoy nature
  • 1 Book (a good one)
  • 1 Blanket (the warm and fuzzy variety works best)
  • 5 of your favorite songs
  • 2 cups of coffee
  • Sprinkles of laughter
  • As many tears as you need
  • A box of tissues
  • 1 journal & 1 pen
  • 1 phone call to a loved one
  • 3 texts to a friend
  • Count your blessings and toss them in
  • Smile until you feel happiness bubbling up inside



Combine all ingredients as needed and rest until done.


What would you include in your Comfort Food for the Soul recipe?


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