Monday, April 6, 2015

Continuing to Move Forward with a New Plan

Step Goal

First off, a quick recap of how I did last week with my goal of getting 10,000 steps per day. I took a total of 64,542 steps last week—and I am happy with that. It’s just short of the 70,000 step goal. I reached at least 10,000 steps 4 out of 7 days.

A New Plan (sort of)

To continue with small changes each week, I have decided to get back on the “eating right” wagon this week. When I stepped on the scale this morning I started to feel incredibly overwhelmed with how much I have to lose.

Around that time, I got an email from Weight Watchers offering 50% off of the 3-month plan and the standard fee waived. I also noticed that you can sync your FitBit with Weight Watchers now—and so I asked hubby if he was ok with me spending the money to join again…and being the supportive husband that he is, he said “you can do whatever you are comfortable with”. And I feel comfortable with starting Weight Watchers again—I always seem to go back there again.

I know that I tried WW after baby was born and I failed miserably—but I feel like I’m in a different place now. Back then, I didn’t know I was struggling with PPD and I was simply an overwhelmed new mother.

I am starting to feel some of the old ambition that I had a long, long time ago. I WANT to move more. I WANT to park farther away from the store so I have farther to walk. I WANT to feel good about myself. I WANT to be healthy and active. It doesn’t feel like a chore anymore—at least not right now. My heart hasn’t been in it for quite some time and I’m hoping that my heart is in it now and this is the time.

No matter how many times I fall, I will continue to get up and try again. I don’t need to feel embarrassed for having failed miserably if I continue to keep trying and continue to move forward.

Postpartum Depression Recovery

I had more good days than bad days last week as far as postpartum depression recovery goes. However, I determined what one of my triggers is on Saturday after I started to feel the physical symptoms again—which hadn’t happened for days. That just left me drained for most of the day on Sunday and I rested and finally felt better by the afternoon. After that, we went for a long walk and that helped me get a lot more steps than I would have otherwise.

Baby girl has had a lot of disrupted sleep the last few nights. She wakes up and cries, but acts like she’s still sleeping. I kind of wonder if they’re night terrors because one night I turned on the lights to see if I could calm her down that way, but it was like she was still sleeping but crying. Her eyes looked kind of glazed over. It works best if I just rock her but she will continuously wake up when I put her in the crib. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I think I was up at least 5 times last night.

I notice that my PPD symptoms increase with the lack of sleep. I feel more anxious and jittery. And of course I’m tired simply because anyone would be tired with disrupted sleep.

How was your week? Anyone else following Weight Watchers? Do you sync your FitBit with Weight Watchers? Does it work well?


  1. It really sounds like you are making progress on all fronts! I am glad to see that.

  2. I'm starting fresh this week. I've done WW in the past and have had good success with it. Good luck!! You're in a good place and you can do it!!!

  3. Just a comment about baby--2 of my sons starting doing that and I started praying over them before bed time. Not in a spooky kind of way, but just that they would not have any bad dreams, etc... it really seemed to work for them! Might be worth a try! :)
    Good luck with your first week! :)

  4. I can just tell from your writing that you are getting some of your energy back. I don't do WW, but I am tracking with MFP. Geez, calories go by quickly when you start tracking again.

  5. You can do it! And kudos to you for always getting up and trying! :) My firstborn at around 2 years old would literally SCREAM like someone being murdered in the middle of the night. Terrified us. I took her to the doctor, and our regular was out of town. She suggested a psychiatrist and started looking into any kind of abuse. Well, I was with her 24/7 and had NO fears of abuse. Took her back to our regular ped when he was in town, and he said one of his kids did that, too, and it went away. Well, hers did, too. She's still not always a sound sleeper, but no more night terrors. No clue! It's so miserable to be lacking on sleep, though. Maybe a growth spurt or cutting more teeth causing it??? I know I'm not the mama I need to be without enough sleep. Tough stuff!



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