Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A New FitBit PR, Daily Recap, & Online Book Club Info.

Oh my goodness, I am so tired! It’s for a good reason though. I am participating in a Fitbit challenge with a couple of ladies. It will run for 5 weeks and the winner will get $20. That’s fun motivation!

Because of this, I actually reached a new Fitbit PR yesterday:


Fitbit Flex Activity + Sleep Wristband

Now let me tell you, this was not easily obtained. I felt like I was working out all day! I took a 1 mile treadmill walk during baby’s first nap.


I went for a short 20 minute walk outside while pushing the stroller but it was too windy to keep going.


During baby’s last nap, I walked 2 miles on the treadmill, upping my pace in the second mile.


After that, I got a horrible headache of which I still have now! Oofta. I drank a lot of water yesterday and everything so I think maybe I just overdid it. But it’s good for me.

I was super hungry in the afternoon, so I tried a new-to-me Quest bar—Coconut Cashew (4 Points+). It was pretty good. I am going to grab more Quest bars next time I’m at the store—it’s not a bad deal for the points value and there’s 20g of protein.


Other than walking constantly, yesterday was a pretty low key day. I did some laundry, got a new book from Amazon that a friend who has had depression recommended, baked a peach cobbler, the usual baby activities, and talked to my sister a bit. Hubby was exhausted when he got home and so we just hung out in the living room for the evening and played with baby.

Speaking of “baby”, I think we’ve got a toddler on our hands now so I will have to come up with a special “blog” name for her. She is growing up so much—it’s incredible. She’s usually a super happy little baby—except when she is tired or hungry. Winking smile


If anyone is interested in the online book club I mentioned starting, the book we are going to read is What You Can When You Can: Healthy Living on Your Terms by Carla Birnberg and Roni Noone. You probably know these bloggers!

The book is shipping out now—so go ahead and order it if you’re interested. It’s also available for Kindle on Amazon. For some reason, I won’t get mine until Saturday—I must not have selected Prime shipping. Once I can take a look at the book, I will let you know the details on where & when we’ll meet online and how many pages/chapters to read each week. Sound good?

So that’s all I have for now! I have fallen behind on my HAWMC challenge, but I hope to get back to that too! I have learned that with a baby, you have to pick your “battles”. If I am going to work out all day, I won’t have time for extra writing, etc. lol…but that’s ok! I’ll get it done.

Have a great Tuesday!

This post contains affiliate links. If you click on my links and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission that keeps A Journey to Thin running.


  1. So glad you are having better days. WTG with your steps yesterday!! I really need to kick it up some notches myself. Having a desk job makes it so tough to get steps in during work. I try to add extra steps here and there but some days work becomes so consuming that I look up and I haven't moved in two hours!!

    1. Also I ordered the book and it won't be delivered to my kindle until April 28th. Just to give you a heads up.

  2. I like that pic of you! Cute! "Baby" is always a cutie, too. :) Way to go on those steps! Wow! Awesome job!

  3. You are killing it with the steps!! Great job!!!!



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