Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge #HAWMC & Tuesday Review

I am excited to participate in WEGO Health’s Health Activity Writer’s Month Challenge (#HAWMC) for the month of April. I did this back in 2012 and enjoyed it—somehow I have missed out the last couple of years. If you’re interested in participating you can sign up here.

The first prompt is to simply take a selfie showing how excited I am for the next 30 days and this challenge…so here we go.


So excited. Winking smile

Mostly, I’m so excited because I am FINALLY feeling great. Life is looking up again. I can’t tell you how good that feels. Everything is brighter and more positive.

Yesterday, mom, baby girl and I ventured out to a Tanger Outlet Mall not too far from where I live. It was a beautiful day and the perfect opportunity to get out of the house, shop and get some extra steps and activity in.

We scored some good deals. I got baby girl some new clothes & a monster toy that she loves, hubby a new shirt and boxers, and I got some bright colored camis, a shirt, headbands, and a new skirt.

It went wonderfully. At the end of the day, I was only the normal “I’ve been shopping all day” tired. Yay!

I had a little bit of a scare when I lost my iPhone. Oh my goodness. That has never happened before. I was keeping it in my pocket and in the cup holder on the stroller (where baby can’t access) so I have no idea how I lost it. I was retracing my steps and was so relieved when they announced a phone had been found at Lane Bryant—mine!! Whew! I was wondering how in the world I was going to tell hubby I lost my phone…! Crisis avoided. haha Also, I got quite a few extra steps in walking around trying to find it!

Even with all of the walking yesterday, I had to take a few laps around the house at the end of the day to meet my 10,000 steps goal. But another good day in the books!



  1. I am SO glad you are feeling better! :-)

  2. Great seeing a smile on your face :)!!!

  3. Last time I lost my cell phone was circa 2004 or so. I remember being devastated! Is crazy how phones have become such integral parts of our lives. Glad you found yours!

    Ive only heard great things about tangler outlets. I have yet to visit one! Perhaps this summer.

    So glad you are feeling better. It "shows" in your writing for sure :)


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  5. Back to back good days, awesome!!! I think this is going to start being the norm:)

  6. Wow. You are so happy that one of the above commenters thiinks you are on crack! LOL :) I love the cute selfie! Hey, if you made it through thinking you lost your phone w/o a crying meltdown right in the middle of the mall, you are doing awesome! I would've panicked, freaked, or cried, I'm sure! LOL So glad you were able to locate it. Great job on the steps! How did you finally get it to work right for you?

  7. SO SO happy you are feeling better!!!!!!!!



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