Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Loving my fitbit, Online Book Club, and Twitter Chat

I had a great day yesterday and I am off to a good start. I’m glad that I made the spur of the moment decision to rejoin Weight Watchers. I ate within my points, ate good healthy food, drank lots of water, and moved a lot.

The fitbit (affiliate link) is definitely inspiring me to MOVE more. I added my long-time weight loss buddy as a friend and it is fun to compete for the most steps—she’s winning, BTW, but not for long!

Yesterday I went for a nice long walk while pushing the stroller. At first I was tired, but then I hit my groove and decided I would walk a 5K. But then the sky started to look stormy and it got windy so I decided I better head home. I did walk almost 2 miles though.


In the evening, I wasn’t quite at my 10,000 step goal so I recruited hubby to go on a walk. We just went for a short 20 minute walk, but it helped me reach my goal!


I am proud of my steps for yesterday:


I am not going to step on the scale until Friday, which will be my weigh in day. It’s easy to get discouraged when the weight doesn’t come off as quickly as I think it should. This will take time and probably a lot of it. I have a LONG way to go, but I have to start somewhere.

I have a couple of questions for you…

Would you be interested in a Twitter chat where we could discuss out weight loss journeys, share interesting articles, talk about our triumphs and struggles, share recipes, and just chat? I’d like to start one up but I want to know if anyone would join me? It’s not much fun talking to myself! ha Let me know what days/times work best for you.

Also, I’d like to start an online book club and I have the first book in mind because I think it would be great motivation and will have a great message for those of us in this weight loss and fitness journey. I still need to get reading more and this would be the perfect motivation for it. We would set small goals for reading because I know a lot of us don’t have a ton of time. Would anyone be interested in that?

I will be posting my #HAWMC post later on today. Have a good day!


  1. WooHoo, now you are getting back to back to back good days. I am definitely going to keep cheering you on your journey, but I am probably not one for the chat group. After my daytime life being scheduled down to the minute and controlled by a bell, I just don't like any structured activities in the evening. Keep writing here though. I like your writing and how you keep it real.

    P.S. Maybe I don't understand the Twitter chat. Is it like a Facebook post and you comment if you want to, or is it something that we are all there at the same time? Please forgive my almost 50 year old brain.

    1. Thank you for the compliment! :)

      For a Twitter chat, we would all be on Twitter at the same time and use the same hashtag, but you chat if you want to. Make sense?

  2. Ha! I am like you Kim....I am on Twitter but I don't know a thing about a Twitter chat?! Who knew?!

  3. I, too, am in the dark with Twitter! I have an account but just never really got into it, I may not even know my user name and PW:-/ it's been probably a year or so since I've used it!
    Book club!! Yay!!! I definitely would be interested in, I start a book here and there, but if I had someone to do it with, all the better!!!

  4. I think both the chat and bool group are good ideas but I am also a twitter newbie so would need instructions.

  5. I would be interested in the online book club. Just let me know the details. I am glad you like your fitbit. My husband and I have had them for a couple of years. It definitely motivates you. I need to get serious about fitness and Weight loss again. Good luck with weight Watchers.

  6. Both sound fun! I am up for both options!



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