Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday in Review

This past weekend went quickly, as they always do. Highlights of the weekend were overspending on baby girl’s first birthday supplies (I mean seriously, I need to return some things because it was ridiculous lol) and sitting in the porch with hubby and reading while sipping a fruit smoothie. What were the highlights of your weekend?

By Saturday, I was finally feeling like myself again. It practically took all week to get there and that’s so frustrating to me and I wonder how long these postpartum depression symptom relapses will last. But I’m always so relieved when I do feel like myself again because I have a ton more energy and much more optimism about pretty much everything. I have to remind myself that I am about 5000% better than I was a month ago even!

We all stayed home on Sunday because baby girl still has her cold (getting better) and hubby caught a bit of a cold. We try to be respectful to other people in our church meeting when it comes to germs—nobody wants to get sick! Plus, we have a woman with cancer and it’s very important that she doesn’t get sicknesses. But yeh, staying home avoided that extra anxiety for me—but I need to get a few “good” times keeping my anxiety under control so I can start building some confidence in that respect again.

This morning began like all of the others—spending a little time in the nursery with baby girl before heading down and starting our morning. I decided to pull out a box of shoes my sister gave us to see if any other shoes fit—and some did! I thought she looked too cute in these rain boots.


I still had a little bit more shopping I wanted to do on the party supplies front, so I decided to get that out of the way today so I can focus on cleaning the house for the rest of the week (oh joy). Don’t get me wrong, I was trying to see if I could find better deals, haha. Anyways, we headed out after baby girl’s nap and after eating lunch.

I didn’t know how it was going to go because she was super fussy and clingy before we left. But she calmed down in the car and seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit while we were out! Whew—what a relief. It always makes me laugh how she just makes herself comfy in the shopping cart.


Shortly after we arrived in town, hubby called to say he was on his way through town and wanted to know if I’d pick up Starbucks and meet him with it. I grabbed a Starbucks Refreshers Very Berry tea for myself—only 1 PointsPlus. It was refreshing, but I’m definitely more of a coffee fan. It was fun to try something different though.


I was able to find almost everything that I needed for the party supplies except for Frappuccinos that I wanted the bottles for. For some reason I couldn’t find them at Walmart…weird. But I asked hubby to pick some up on the way home, so that’s accomplished!

Baby girl didn’t nap on the way home, so she was horrendously fussy when we got home. I put her down for a nap and then the neighbor started up their Harley and we said goodbye to that nap and hello to a very fussy baby again! But it wasn’t long before hubby arrived home and she is always excited to see him.

I made fish tacos for supper. They were super yummy! IMG_2294

Would you believe that baby girl loves fish? I gave her some and she said “mmmmmm”, which she does when she really likes something. She ate quite a bit of it! The girl will eat practically anything, although she doesn’t like most fruit—but she loves veggies.

After supper, hubby watched baby girl so I could clean up the kitchen and throw in some laundry and then he went out to mow the lawn while I took fussy baby outside. She immediately cheered up. She loves to swing. The neighbor brought out their little dogs and baby girl thinks they’re so funny and she just giggled and chattered. She’s pretty cute. Winking smile

We sat in the grass and played a bit too.


And that’s about it! I am about 1,000 steps short of 10,000 so I am going to get those steps in before bedtime!

Don’t forget to check out the details for the Online Book Club!


  1. Love the pics of the almost birthday girl! :) Glad you are feeling more yourself again!

  2. I totally want to join your book club for the next round... I think I'd be in over my head if I agreed to read any amount in the next few months, haha :) I also can't wait to see the first birthday festivities!



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