Monday, August 20, 2012

A River Ride

I love day trips. There are so many places to explore that are close to home. We can leave in the morning and be back home in time to sleep in our own bed. Day trips are like a mini-vacation and we enjoy them!

This past weekend, we took hubby’s parents along with us and we went to Dubuque for a historic river cruise.

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We rode on the boat behind us. Here’s a better shot.

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We saw some beautiful scenes while cruising down the Mississippi.

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It was the perfect day for a boat ride. It was gorgeous outside. We ate a deli lunch on the boat.

There were some amazing homes along the river. I had to snap a few pictures. This place looks like a castle!

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And this one is more my style… sigh, maybe someday!

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Hubby and I totally didn’t plan wearing matching Hawkeye shirts. lol. It just kind of happened that way.

After the boat ride, we did a little shopping and then visited by Grandpa at the assisted living facility. And then we headed home. It was a fun day!


  1. Haha I wondered if you were going to comment on the fact that you two had matching shirts on. I love when that happens. I love day trips too. So much fun!

  2. Girl, you so don't wanna have to clean that big 'ole house one day! Of course, I guess if you owned that home you could also hire some staff, right? LOL Beautiful pics!

  3. Looks like fun. Can you even imagine living in a house like that?? The fiscally boring person in me says day-um their utility bills are probably more than my current mortgage!

  4. What lovely photos of a lovely ride down the river. Thanks for sharing with us Alissa. Hope you have a GREAT week!!!!

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  6. When I see big houses like that I think, "And how much is THEIR electric bill?" No thanks!

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