Thursday, August 23, 2012

Weigh in Day

I lost 3.9 lbs. this week! I am thrilled!

In the past, I would have a big loss followed by a gain because I wouldn’t have my head in the game after such a big loss, for some reason.

Not this time.

I’m taking it one day at a time. Counting my points. The exercise front is a little iffy because I am having severe allergies and can hardly breathe right now! But as soon as I’m feeling better, I will be back at it. I have to be careful as not to make it worsen. I did get in 4 of 5 workouts last week—and I enjoyed them!

Today should be my last day at the office. I have packed a healthy lunch every day and stuck to it. No trips to the vending machine. I actually eat my lunch in my car so that I’m not even tempted!

Hope you’re having a good week!


  1. Great job! That is an awesome loss!

    I am taking my lunch to work everyday and I am making sure I have plenty of healthy snacks like fruit and hard-boiled eggs so I'm not tempted by something evil if it comes to me :-)

  2. congratulation to u. I think eating lunch in a car is a great way to avoid temptation.

    Wish you all the best.

  3. That's amazing!! We are pretty much right around the same weight I think! We can do this, not much longer and we will be in onederland!!

  4. Congratulations with the huge loss! Great job :)

    Hope YOU are having a fantastic week too!

  5. Awesome. Yes, keep your head in the game and keep doing what you're doing. Great job. :)

  6. Good job!!! Keep up the good work!

  7. Great loss!! Good job. Hope your allergies are better soon. Misery!

  8. Nice work. Hope you have another great week.

  9. It really is a good feeling when we get our head in the game! I usually take my own food everywhere. I've even been know to take it to board meetings :)

  10. WOW!!!!! 3.9lbs in a WEEK! that is amazing. I'm just trying to lose 3.3lbs in a MONTH! I want to lose 64lbs, and I just worked it out and it's going to take me until november next year.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. OMG if I pack lunch its the major difference between a crap and an awesome week. Good luck on keeping focused next week :)

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