Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hidden Calories from Beverages *video*


  1. I thought this was good, we only drink milk & water anyway. Juice/soda is a treat. I read somewhere that sugary drinks are the #1 food that causes child obesity.

  2. I'm a Diet Coke fan. I just can't waste calories on drinks unless they are alcoholic!

  3. In this video so nice and more useable all of them because in the video is showing different types activity for health so that can be know that and able to understand regards video.

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  4. More useable video shared for the health and published on the site because in the discussed about the hidden calory cooking lesson involved opening a can of fruit and putting it in a pan. That’s not healthy living. Kids should be taught how to use fresh fruits and veggies to cook nutritious meals.
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