Saturday, June 18, 2011

Protecting your Eyes with Sunglasses

Although summer isn’t officially here until Tuesday, it sure feels like it is! The weather has been hot, the sun has been shining, and I’ve even had a trip to the pool already. And I know I’m not the only one who is excited to be exercising outside again.

It’s important to always put safety first. Whether it’s being aware of your surroundings at all times, watching for traffic and being aware of drivers who may be texting, exercising outdoors does mean exercising more caution. But have you ever thought about protecting your eyes? According to Prevent Blindness America, sunglasses are important because, “They filter light and they protect your eyes from damaging ultra-violet (UV) rays. Mounting evidence shows that exposure to UV rays can damage your eyes. Long-term exposure to UV rays can lead to cataracts, macular degeneration, or skin cancer around the eyelids. Sunglasses should be worn when you are outdoors so you can protect your eyes.”

There are a lot of sunglasses out there that are made specifically for sports. Always make sure that the sunglasses that you choose block out UV Rays. For example, The Oakley Fast Jacket, “has the added advantage of filtering out every baking ray of ultraviolet light including UVA, UVB, UVC and harmful blue light up to 400nm.”


Not only that, the “Oakley Fast Jacket™ XL comes with two sets of interchangeable lenses. They formulated one set for bright sun and engineered the other for lower light, so you’ll be ready for a wide range of environments.” Glasses like these will help protect your eyes from the sun.


It’s also important to make sure that your eyes are protected during sports also. Look for something strong and durable that will keep your eyes safe.

I’m on the lookout for a good pair of sunglasses to wear especially for running. I want something that I can get special made for my eye prescription and that will also keep my eyes safe. The ones I’m wearing now don’t cover the sides of my eyes and are more fashion sun glasses.

What kind of sun glasses do you wear to exercise?


  1. I literally leave the house slathered in SPF especially since I'm in Florida. Sunglasses are also a must.

    Agree with your post to the 100th degree!

  2. I don't wear sunglasses when I run beside I often find that they slide off my nose and it can be quite uncomfortable. Although I completely agree with regarding protecting your eyes from the sun! I found the suggestions on the eye travelsection of the Vision Express website to be very useful too.



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