Friday, January 30, 2015

ISO: New Blogs to Follow

Reading blogs and interacting with other health/fitness and weight loss bloggers was a big part of my prior success. I’d love to find some new blogs to read and make some new weight loss buddies so that we can help encourage each other.

I think a lot of people gave up on me. I was absent for a while during my pregnancy and such. I haven’t been much of an inspiration as of late and the things that I have been working through are the kinds of things you’d find in a “before” story rather than an “after”—there’s not a lot of motivation to be found there and I get that. I really appreciate those of you who have stuck around and showed me that you still believe in me. This journey isn’t over. My story isn’t over.

Are there any of you out there are at the beginning of your weight loss or fitness journey? Anyone out there who is starting over? Anyone struggling to maintain? Anyone who is totally rocking this thing and has it all under control? I’d love to hear from all of you!

Hit up the comments with a link to your blog. I promise I will visit each and every one of them and leave a comment—as long as you’re not a spammer leaving a spam comment (which I seem to get a lot of lately).

I removed my blog roll because it was just making my blog too cluttered and it was outdated—but as you can see, I’ve added a tab to the top for Blog Love. I plan on adding links to my favorite blogs there.


  1. Just sending you a link to my blog. I am very new to blogging and thought If I started one that it would help me be accountable for losing this weight and changing my life. I just found your blog and I think it helps a lot to read other peoples struggles and accomplishments:) Here is my link...if it works :)

  2. Well, you know me. I'm well into it yet still at the beginning. Blah! I really like reading after Marjorie at A Pinch of Healthy. She has some great, practical recipes. She does posts and sometimes weight loss videos (when she's losing and not struggling - she's stuck at about 30 WW pounds lost), and her southern voice is so cute. LOL She does grocery haul videos and WIAW. Other than that, I believe you already know/follow/keep up with the other people I do.

  3. Hola! Here, blogging daily and maintaining. Despite home 'money pit' issues at the moment. Welcome back! I'll add you to my blogroll/feedly, too. :)

  4. You've always been on my feed! Have a great weekend and welcome back.

  5. hey there! I just started a weight loss blog today and actually you inspired me. It is new and not anything awesome yet but I hope with practice it will really blossom. Thanks

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am still here and reading your blog. I have always blogged at See How She Runs, but started WW last March and decided to start a new blog with my WW adventures. I mostly post my WIs weekly, but would love the support of a reader. I have only had one person comment since I started blogging there in January :)



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