Thursday, January 1, 2015

And so it has begun

I woke up this morning and stepped on the scale. Pretty much the worst weight ever (not quite as high as I was at 9 months pregnant). It was a relief to know that the overeating and inactivity were over and it was finally time for change.

January 1st holds a lot of promise. I admit that it feels weird to start a new healthy living plan on a Thursday and the thought did cross my mind to wait until Monday. I can’t help but laugh at my mentality. But, alas, I decided to start today because it’s January 1st after all, and we know that big things always begin on January 1st.

But all sarcasm aside, today is the day. And I’m going to do it. Again and again and again and this will be the last time. Again. But really, I’m motivated and ready to go. For real. Seriously.

I busted out the measuring tape and took measurements this time and everything. I put on my tight fitting clothes and had hubby take the inaugural “before” pictures. This time I had a little baby girl tugging on the other end of the measuring tape, which certainly makes this time a lot different than times in the past. I have extra motivation.

This is the least embarrassing of all of the shots we took (side view, etc.), so I will show this as a starting point and save the others when I have some progress to be proud of. (ignore my slippers. I forgot to take them off. lol) Hubby took it from a weird angle and he isn’t exactly a photographer, but it is is what it is! Blech. I look forward to looking much better in 2016.


Did you see my 2015 New Year Resolutions?


  1. Hi Alissa! New to your blog. I hope 2015 becomes everything you want it to be. My best advice would be make a vow to yourself every night before you go to bed to do something to improve yourself the next day. Make a vow to yourself every morning upon be the very best you can be that day.

    Do that day after day, make it a habit, and it will fuel good choices. I promise! :)

  2. This is where it starts! Can't wait to be part of your progress. You can (and will!) do it. Best to you in 2015!

  3. You have done it before and WILL do it again. I'll be rooting for you. I have bounced back and forth between my worst weight ever for the last several months (5 pounds give or take, ugh). Anyway, yay for day 1!

  4. Hi Alissa, you're braver than I am for even getting on the scale after the holiday festivities! I have only just begun following your blog and will be following along with you in 2015. I have lost 30 pounds in 2014 on weight watchers and am getting back on plan now that the holidays are over. Good luck on your journey!

  5. It's our year! We are going to do this! You should check out the Beachbody workouts - 30ish minutes a day and they are great!

  6. I am starting over again also. Right there with ya!



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