Thursday, January 8, 2015

Week 1: Progress Post and Life Update

Hello everyone! I hope your first week of 2015 has gone well and you are making progress on your goals.

I lost 3.4 lbs. for week 1! I am happy with that.

What I did well: I was really good about getting back on plan if I ever ate something that wasn’t 100% on plan and I didn’t let it trip me up—I stayed mindful.

What I could improve on: Exercise. Didn’t do any. I am still trying to figure out how to fit everything into one day with a baby. I want to keep the house clean and keep up on laundry, cook and eat healthy meals, blog, look for ways to make additional money to help with the budget (and complete them), and play with baby and give her the attention she needs (#1 priority). I’ll get there.

And now for a little more personal check in for the week.

It has been SO cold—like –20 to –40 wind chill. This means that baby and I have been stuck in the house for a week now. Talk about cabin fever.

I have been trying to find ways to keep baby entertained. She grows tired of the same old toys. I made a little fort by putting blankets over our coffee table and putting toys underneath (she loved it). I’ve been giving her kitchen items to play with, like Tupperware, measuring spoons and cups, putting a small toy inside of a container so it makes noise—WHATEVER I can think of. We read books for a few minutes but she’s not old enough to have much of an attention span (unless the book makes sounds/noises). I lay on the floor to be her personal jungle gym—she loves that one, but one day she bit me so hard I have little baby mouth marks to prove it. She takes her baths and splashes and plays with her toys. Any mamas out there have any other ideas for an 8 month old?

The little one is starting to have little tantrums. And I am not sure what to do! She gets mad and bangs her head on the back of her high chair, for example. I put kitchen towels behind her head so that she doesn’t hurt herself or something. She gets really angry sometimes! I didn’t know this started at 8 months. Oh boy…!

I’ve been selling “stuff” up a storm lately! We’re up to over $218 since January 1st and more scheduled to be picked up tomorrow! I’ve started selling my clothes and I’ve had a good response. Slowly but surely we will be rid of the clutter.

Hubby and I haven’t had a date out together since October. I decided we will have to start having monthly “date nights” at home. We will alternate months planning them. I volunteered to plan our first date—so I’ve been brainstorming ideas for that. I found a fun “conversation starter” type game with free printables—which I’m sure will give us lots of laughs (don’t tell hubby—it’s a surprise). Maybe I’ll make a favorite snack food or something and we can just chill having quality time together. I’ll do a recap when it’s over. I’m glad I have a hubby who will play along—it’s good for the marriage! Any suggestions for at-home date nights? Hubby was so sweet and surprised me with the prettiest flowers this week.


So that’s a little of what I have been up to lately! I’d love to hear from you—hit up the comments, shoot me an email (, or say hello on my Facebook page or Twitter!

Oh, and I’m giving away a cute workout tank top!


  1. Yay for a great loss!!! Congrats! See, it's in the 20s here today, and in TN that is a BIG deal. Life shuts down. Lol So I feel for ya!

  2. Great start, great attitude!!! Lovely to see you have facebook page too. It's certainly something I may consider in the coming months now I'm truly feeling comfortable with myself and weight loss. Good on ya girl and keep the positive vibes coming x Becca x

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