Sunday, December 16, 2012

A New Year is ahead…

With all of my struggles this past year, I just want to say that I am looking forward to a new year beginning in 2013!

If I can just make it through these last couple of weeks in 2012 without gaining any more—that would be fabulous.

I have been focusing on a lot of negativity lately. When you’ve lost almost 90 lbs. and gained back 20 of it, it really wrecks havoc on your emotional well being.

I have recognized that the negativity isn’t going to help me get anywhere.

What I need to do is accept that I have gained 20 lbs. As angry at myself as that makes me, it’s reality. It happened. It’s out there. I am not “cured” of any weight issues. I am obviously still fighting whatever it was that got me to 288 lbs. in the first place and I have to figure that out.

I cannot dwell on the past. I can’t  beat myself up over it. I must move on.

I’m going to be one of those New Years Reolutioners this coming year. I am being realistic in saying that I probably won’t be losing a ton of weight in the next 2 weeks—so maintenance is all I’m going for. I will be traveling (yay!) and as we all know, there are a couple of holidays coming up. So, coming January, I will put 2012 behind me and focus on what I can change—the present and the future.

For any of you that are in the same boat as me, feeling like you are beyond help, HAVE HOPE. We can do this with a fresh new start ahead.


  1. I'm feeling a little the same :) This time of year we're bombarded with images of food and we're running around stressed out until the New Year.

    The average American (which I'm not, but I think you are?) gains 7lbs between Thanksgiving and New Years. If you've maintained since Thanksgiving then you have a head start on the rest of your country!

  2. I was just thinking about this today. I've decided that I will be happy to maintain until after Christmas. Then it's on. I want to be at goal weight/stronger/healthier in 2013. I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and do what needs to be done.
    I've been at goal and gained some back. I know we can do it.

  3. I totally get it!!! I put on 17 and now kicking myself!!

  4. One of my husband's sisters, who seriously isn't "right" mentally in some ways, lol, came to church today. She seriously RUBBED MY STOMACH and said, "Staci! You've put on some weight, haven't you?" :::puke::: But because she's just that way, I seriously laughed and said "Yes! I lost 21 and gained 19 of it back!!!" Then she said she wondered if maybe there was a new baby on the way. Omgosh. Horror. I totally am there with you!

  5. Okay, I just said "seriously" 3 times in the above comment... SERIOUSLY! Haha



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