Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Blizzard!

Today was a snowed in kind of day…except for me that means I literally had to work all day. Since I have the ability to work from home, I volunteered to work all day for coverage since a lot of people couldn’t make it into the office.

With a few hiccups… the day went pretty quickly. I lost power about 10 times. The longest episode was about 30 minutes. Thankfully it hasn’t been off since!

This picture pretty much explains what it looked like outside. This was my attempt to take a picture but it was so windy!


You can see the drifts (this was VERY early, so they’re bigger now)…I will have the privilege of plowing those out tomorrow!

What is it about snowed in days… I wanted to EAT! I had a couple of episodes with chocolate, which made me feel like I had completely ruined my day. But I realized those were isolated events and otherwise I did ok. I don’t normally even keep it in the house! But I had a bag of dark chocolate chips on hand to make peppermint bark. Ugh. There’s a reason I don’t keep them in the house! See?!

My weight has gone up after I lost the 4.9 lbs. on Tuesday morning…not back up ALL the way…but back up. Sad smile Prolly won’t make it to the 5 lbs. after today. *sigh*

Mostly, I just need to keep it under control until I am back at home next year and can start afresh.

I am officially on VACATION NOW!!! I will be off of work until January 3rd! SO EXCITED!!! The awesome thing is that I will still have a bunch of vacation time left after this… that’s one thing I LOVE about my job… TONS of vacation time.

I don’t know if I ever told you all this, but I have a new position at my employer. I am a full time technical writer and it’s absolutely a dream to me. I love it. Such a good feeling. Today I was back in my old role for coverage though…made me realize how much I love my new job!!

There’s my update for the day! I’ll check in again tomorrow!

Later, my loves!


  1. I think it has something to do with cold,snow and craving comfort food. At least you will get a good work out shovelling the snow. :)

  2. I know when it's dreary outside I want to stuff my face. I also get the winter blues every year, so I think the lack of sun makes me grumpy which doesn't help.

    I'm right with you on the chocolate chips. I bought some a few months ago for...something I don't even remember! And I just ended up eating them instead of baking with them. So no more chocolate chips in the house for me!

    Have a great Christmas vacation :)



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