Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This Weigh In Day Deserves a Drum Roll Please…

I weighed in this morning at 206.4—a 3.8 lb. loss this week!! I am VERY happy with that. That’s a month worth of good weight loss for me. That’s an 81.6 lb. loss so far and I am ever so slowly edging towards Onederland!

For breakfast this morning, I toasted a leftover homemade waffle from yesterday, topped it with fresh strawberries and sugar free syrup, along with an egg and milk for 8 points.

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While working, I drank Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee with creamer for 1 point.

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Always a treat!

For my first break, I ate a light cheese stick and a banana for 1 point.

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I had a nice Valentine’s Day! Hubby surprised me with lots of goodies:

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So much fun!! I love that he bought me 2 chocolates. I told him that was PERFECT. Then I am not snacking on an entire box—plus, I haven’t even touched them yet! So I savor them more. Smile

I had Doctor’s appointments and lots of errands to run yesterday. I had a cyst on my wrist drained. Ewww! I’m going to try draining it, this is the 2nd time I’ve had to do so but the first time was like 10 years ago. If that doesn’t work, I will have to have surgery.

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Just all bruised up and gross looking! Isn’t that all kinds of nasty looking? Sorry to gross you out. lol. But, you can kind of see that most of it is still there…I’m going to have to make another appointment because for me to know if draining it is going to eliminate the pain, they need to drain it all! Thing is, I’m sure I will have to pay another office visit co-pay. So unfair. Sad smile

For lunch today, I had a salad with lettuce, strawberries, blueberries, teriyaki chicken, pecans and feta topped with Raspberry vinaigrette and with a 1/4 piece of homemade bread and jam on the side. 10 points of deliciousness. I didn’t get a picture of the bread, sorry!

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I ate my “dessert” on my break. 2 Valentine’s Day cookies. 4 points. So pretty! I made them myself yesterday. Smile

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I also drank more coffee, but added just a tad of skim milk to it for 0 points.

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For supper, I kept it simple with Sandwich Thin Pizzas and green beans (on paper plates—nonetheless!)for 6 points.

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And then hubby and I finished up 3/4 of a cupcake each, from our favorite cupcakery, for 5 points.

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Lots of sweets today! But oh so delicious.

I used 2 weekly points today, so not so bad! I can’t believe we are half way through this week already. The time has just flown! I’ve just been busy, busy, busy!

How’s your week going?


  1. Wowza!!! Nice loss! You're doing great.

    Sucks about the cyst. A girl at work has one of those cysts on her wrist. She calls it Leon. hahaha! I think because it is a "ganglion cyst" and the last half of the word sounds like Leon. Too funny.

  2. Good job, Alissa. I hope they get the wrist cyst taken care of.

  3. Congrats on the loss, that's awesome!!

  4. You know, that was a lot of sweets...BUT you counted those points and that's what matters!!

    And last, but def NOT least, congrats on that amazing weight loss!! Wow...almost 4lbs in one week, that's awesome!! I might just have to go back over your week to see what your secret was! ;)

  5. Woo Hoo!!!! What a stellar loss Alissa!!! Congratulations!!!!

  6. Awesome loss! You will be in Onderland soon!

  7. Nice job on the loss! With the cyst, at least that is a simple removal procedure as an outpatient. Hope the draining gives you some relief, though!

  8. Congrats on the loss this week!

    Sorry to hear about the cyst but hopefully you can get it taken care of easily.

  9. YES!! Congrats on the loss! You are a rockstar. Way to hang in there and keep working toward your goals.

    Your cookies are gorgeous, too! :)

  10. Awesome week for you! This stranger thanks you for the inspiration! I have a cyst on my wrist that comes and goes (10 years now). I pop it - painful, but not as painful as the daily aches. I have a song for it (to the tune of 'your kiss is on my list) "you know the cyst, the cyst is on my wrist, you know the cyst is on my wrist"



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