Friday, February 3, 2012

Scouring the Cupboards and Fridge for Ideas

Finally Friday. The day we wait for all week. Yay!

We are starting to run low on groceries so I have been scouring the cupboard for ideas. We’re pretty much out of most fruits, so I found a can of pineapple, in it’s own juice, in the cupboard. so I ate 1/2 cup of that along with a boiled egg, oatmeal, and skim milk for 8 points.

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While working, I sipped on coffee with FF creamer for 1 point.

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I look forward to my morning cup of coffee. Makes me happy. Smile

On my first break, I ate a slice of toast with PB for 2 points.

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For lunch, I had leftover Vegan Quinoa and a side salad with lettuce, mandarin oranges, cashews and my homemade peanut/Greek yogurt dressing for 6 points.

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I finished it up with my guilty pleasure, a No Pudge! brownie, for 3 points.

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I was hungry on my break, so I ate a wrap with turkey and Swiss for 5 points.

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I also ate a deliciously juicy orange for 0 points.

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And made some chocolate tea for 0 points.

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I am not in the mood to cook tonight so I think we will go to Panera for supper. We have a $10 gift card so we can get by on just a few dollars. It’s a cold, rainy, dreary day today so a cup of soup sounds fabulous!

I’m also to the point where I feel like I want to just eat all kinds of chocolate. Might be time to eat a well planned dessert of some kind and satisfy the craving. Most importantly, I’ll stay in control and count the points.

Hubby is currently beating me by 1/2 a lb. My weight has remained steady for a few days. Our contest weigh in is on Monday morning—so that gives me inspiration to do well this weekend and keep on track!

Have a great weekend!


  1. How did you manage toast and PB for 2 points? Did you just use a tiny amount of PB? I am asking because I have grown to LOVE PB, but sadly the 1 TBSP is 3 points+. Waahhh. Do tell! Enjoy your night out!

  2. I tagged you!! Go to my blog & check it out!!

    YOU'RE IT!!

  3. Good luck with your weigh in, hope you win;)

  4. a turkey and swiss sounds really good right about now! xo



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