Monday, February 20, 2012

Still Trying

Another weekend gone too fast! Did you see my posts from over the weekend?

Do You Think About Food Constantly?

HOW WE DID IT- by Nancy B. Kennedy- Book Review

Eat a Salad

For breakfast, I ate oatmeal and a sliced banana. I haven’t been feeling very well for a few days. It could be a variety of things, including eating at a place that I have suspected of making me sick in the past—so we will no longer be eating there! I couldn’t finish all of this.

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I went back to bed and a couple of hours later I got up for work. I was feeling a little hungry so I ate the rest of my oatmeal—total of 4 points.

I sipped on green tea by working for 0 points.

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Antioxidants can’t hurt, right? Smile

The plan was to keep my food kind of bland today to try to help my stomach out. But I was hungry on my first break and feeling a little better, so I ate a wrap with turkey and Swiss for 3 points.

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And then I was super hungry once I ate something, so I ate an apple with PB for 3 points.

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For lunch, I had chicken noodle soup and homemade bread with Laughing cow for 7 points.

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And then I decided to have my 2nd piece of Valentine’s Day Candy- a dark chocolate turtle, for 2 points.

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And then I went crazy and ate dark chocolate baking chips. Ugh. Why do I do that? I have just been off track this past week and my weight is up to show for it. My hormones have been all out of whack and I didn’t deal with it well.

On my last break, I ate Special K crackers and Roasted Red Pepper Hummus for 5 points.

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That is the best hummus I have ever had. And it’s just the Wal-Mart brand.

As you can see with my eating I was feeling much better stomach wise! Whew! Unfortunately, I was a little snacky.

For supper, I heated up leftover grilled chicken with Swiss and served it with butternut squash and a salad for 6 points.

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This is my favorite supper. I have missed grilled chicken and squash!

So today wasn’t my best day, but I’m still trying. I’m going to make tomorrow a better day. I promise.


  1. You owned it, you logged it, tomorrow is a new day!

  2. Great for you, but how can you ever be satisfied with that lunch?? You don't wanna know what I'm having. Geez, I should start counting calories again, I might be making a not so smart beginning. But still soup and a piece of bread?? That makes me hungry :( I admit, I sometimes live to eat.

  3. we all have great days and not-so-great rocked the day and that tea sounds yummy :)

  4. Oh my, baking chips are such a big weakness for me! I try not to have them around, but I had some around because of a Vday dessert I made. I planned to save the rest for choc chip pancakes, but instead I kept eating at them and ended up with only enough for each person to have ONE choc chip pancake (except I told them I got TWO because they all had cookies that day and I didn't, LOL, sad), so I am a hog. Those things are dangerously good! I find that every month post ovulation, I am an eating freak and really struggle. I don't know why! I hate it! I can have 2 good weeks, 2 bad each month it seems. Grrrrr.



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