Thursday, February 23, 2012

Disappointed and I Was Here

Sleeping in during the week is so nice. And since I haven’t been feeling well, I know my body needs it too!

For breakfast this morning, I ate an egg sandwich with FF cheese and turkey along with a bowl of fresh fruit and skim milk for 9 points.

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I picked up some hours for a friend at work today, so while working, I sipped on coffee with my beloved Almond Joy creamer for 1 point.

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For lunch, I ate a spinach salad with tomato, avocado, a sliced smoked WW string cheese, teriyaki chicken topped with FF French and blue cheese for 10 points.

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It felt great to finally get some leafy greens back into my diet. I was feeling quite a bit better today and it finally sounded good again.

I finished it up with an apple and PB for 3 points.

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I got a few things done around the house and even baked some cookies. I found this recipe on Eat Yourself Skinny, for Skinny Chocolate Crinkle Cookies.

There was this job that was just what I was looking for, related to my degree. I hadn’t heard anything back after submitting my resume, so I followed up only to find that the position had been filled by someone with more experience. Bummer. I was pretty disappointed, but I can’t expect to get the first job I apply for.

I ate a cookie for 2 points.

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Hubby got home right about that time so he gave me lots of hugs and kisses to make me feel better. It’s been a long time since I’ve been really disappointed. I guess I really wanted that job!

But I know there are great things out there for me. That just wasn’t meant to be. But I am following the notion that if you follow your dreams and do what you love…everything will work out.

I have plans for tonight and hope to post tomorrow about what I’m doing. I’m so glad tomorrow is Friday!

And I love this song. I kind of make it my own personal theme song. SmileAnd Beyonce is just an amazing singer. This song helps motivate me to chase after my dreams and truly make a difference. Enjoy.

I was Here- Beyonce


  1. So sorry about the bad news you got. Job hunting is rough - rejection is par for the course, and you just have to keep trucking.

  2. You will find a job you love... just be patient :-) I know how disappointing it can be but it just wasn't meant to be.

  3. I just wanted to say your fruit salad the last couple mornings looks just fabulous! I'm going to have to get a few more things at the store next time.
    Good luck with the job hunt. There's one out there meant for you!

  4. What?! There is an ALmond Joy creamer? Oh-dear, good thing I haven't found that yet...
    Sorry about the job - If it makes you feel better, I probably would have eaten more than 1 cookie after that news...

  5. Here's hoping the perfect job is right on the horizon!

  6. I've never heard this song, but it's AWESOME! On the job front: you will find something amazing. You've worked too hard not to achieve ALL your goals this year :)

  7. Run with Jess said it right, I'm not given gonna tell you what I'd have eaten. I salute you for that and thank God for husbands :)

  8. Awww...sorry 'bout the job Alissa, but hang in there. EVERYTHING does happen for a reason, and there is a wonderful job out there for you!!!! You have too much talent to settle for something you don't want!! Have a great Friday.

  9. Your food always looks so nice! :D Also love how colourful your plates are. You seem to be doing well food wise.

    I'm looking for a new job as well, it can be so stressful and definitely upsetting when you don't hear back from them. Just keep going, good luck :D



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