Monday, September 27, 2010

The Best Part of Monday: A Night Run

Why is the weekend always so short? This one was over before I knew it! I enjoyed it while it lasted though.

For breakfast this morning, I had a slice of Carolina rice bread toasted and topped with peanut butter and a banana along with a glass of 1% milk for 9 points.

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I have to share something that happened to me this weekend as a NSV of sorts. Hubby and I were in the kitchen and I was explaining something to him (can’t remember what). I talk with my hands a lot more than I care to admit. I do it without thinking about it. As I was talking, and probably waving my hands all over the place, my wedding ring flew off of my hand. That’s right. Just completely fell off of my hand! On the one hand (har har), that makes me very happy because my hands are even getting smaller, but that also makes me nervous that I’m going to lose my ring! I am always worried when I wash my hands in a public place because I don’t want my ring to slip off! Looks like I’ll have to get it resized eventually. :)

Today, I had decaf dark chocolate coffee with white chocolate creamer for 1.5 points.

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On my first break I had a little tiny Jonathan apple and PB for 3 points.

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For lunch, I had a sweet potato and I added a tiny bit of sugar/cinnamon for 3 points.

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I also had some baked potato soup that I had in the freezer for 5 points.

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For dessert, I had a 1 point caramel cookie- a WW recipe. These turned out really good!

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On my last break, I wasn’t hungry but wanted something refreshing, so I had a sugar free Hawaiian punch drink.

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The afternoon went pretty quickly. Lots of technical problems which was a little frustrating but also made the day go faster at the same time… It just kept me on my toes I guess!

I was so hungry after work. Hubby was later than usual and I wanted to go in the kitchen and eat something so badly. That’s what I used to do regularly- probably every day. I’d snack until I wasn’t hungry anymore and then eat supper anyways. I have really changed in this aspect. I seem to have a lot more control over when I eat. I don’t HAVE to go into the kitchen and eat a snack. I didn’t. I was very hungry, but I had to tell myself that supper was only a couple of hours away and I could wait. An exercise in will power. Although I did have a bite of squash while I was preparing supper. :)

FINALLY, for supper, I had 1/2 a whole wheat pita stuffed (and I mean STUFFED) with teriyaki chicken, avocado and tomato. I heated this up and it was DELISH!  I also had 1/2 cup of acorn squash. All of this for 6.5 points.

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For dessert I had planned on 2 cookies but I ate 3- for 3 points.

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Why is it that I think I can eat more of something when it’s lower in points? I guess because I can. Because I could have 3 cookies for the same points as what 1 cookie usually is. Still, I should have just stopped at 1 or 2. But I’m very hungry tonight and I’m not sure why. I don’t think I left myself enough points for the night, I ate too many points at breakfast and lunch. So I had to go into my activity points and use 1- just one- because of that extra cookie. Worse things have happened so I’m not worrying about that.

After supper, we let our food settle and then headed out the door for a run. I was a little worried about my knee, but I could put weight on it without it hurting too badly today, so thought I better get out there! We set out for a mile, but it felt so great we went for 1.5 miles. It was the perfect running night. Nice and cool but not too cold. A clear  night, we could see all of the stars. I love running at night. I think this is really going to work out. The hardest part is just getting out the door. But since Hubby is doing this with me, we can motivate each other. Total workout time was 47 minutes, with the mile and a half run within the walk to and from the path. I burned 284 calories! yay! That also means we have 22.5 miles left for the 25 mile goal! We’re getting there!

I feel so much better when I exercise. Why is it so hard for me to get motivated to get out there when I know how good I’ll feel when I’m done?


  1. You need to share the cookie recipe!!

    And I'm the same way w/low point foods, but it's all about staying committed to this journey and the ultimate goal!

  2. Great menu. I am with Kyle and Darci. Post that recipe please

  3. i know a few other folks who had their wedding rings go flying and in an odd way it was like this amazing feeling for them :) congrats on your progress

    I think I must be a bit of a freak, I love to workout so no problems getting me out the door

  4. I'm glad you had such a great day. I had the same problem with my ring a few years ago. Washing my hands, dried them with a paper towel, and suddenly my ring wasn't there. Get it resized! :)



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