Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What’s Happening Lately…In Pictures

I don’t share a lot of pictures on the blog anymore so I thought I’d show a few today. I might have to change my blogging style and start doing more day in the life of posts again.

Have you seen the Pie Face videos that are going around lately? I ordered the game to play at Thanksgiving with the whole family but it didn’t arrive on time so hubby and I ended up playing it with just my brother. But it was funny anyways!

If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a game where you get smacked with whipped cream in your face if you’re the lucky one who happens to turn the knob on the game the time that it releases the hand holding the whipped cream.


Whipped cream in the face!

As you know, I’ve been de-cluttering the house and taking items to a consignment store. Every time I drop things off, I do a quick walk through to find good clearance items, especially toys for Little Miss Sunshine.

I got the princess tent below for a couple of bucks! She had so much fun playing in it and isn’t it super cute?


I had to laugh one morning when I went into Little Miss Sunshine’s room and found her with this hair.


Sometimes that’s how I feel in the morning too, darling.

Usually about once per week I have hubby’s dad come over and watch Little Miss Sunshine while I either go to appointments, run errands, or get some work done. She loves to go for wagon rides when the weather is nice enough.


One evening, Little Miss Sunshine found a pear in hubby’s lunchbox and decided to have a snack. She ate almost the entire pear! I guess I’ve been serving her pears all wrong when I cut them into bite sized pieces and she refuses them.


Pretty baby.


Can you tell I was excited to finally paint?


Little Miss Sunshine continues to amaze me. Babies are like little sponges! Back when she would sit still long enough, I would read her books quite often. And now we’re hearing that she was actually learning things.

The other day, she was in the bathtub and she saw her foam bath number “2” (ok that sounds like something else…but it’s just a piece of foam shaped like a 2 lol), and she said “doo”, which is how she says “two”.

I thought maybe I was just imagining it, but she has done it numerous times now and often walks around the house saying “Unn, doo, tee” (1,2,3). But the fact that she recognizes the number is amazing to me.

So today we were eating lunch at Subway and she pointed out the window and kept saying “1,2” and so I finally looked outside and saw this.


She saw the “2” on the fire station across the road! She’s a smart little cookie. She is always surprising me with how much she notices. Every. Little. Thing. Nothing gets passed this one!

She is growing up so fast!


What has been going on with you lately?

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