Wednesday, December 23, 2015

5 Ways to Find Your Zen During the Holiday Season (and all year long!)

Time for the second edition of the Healthy for the Holidays series, which I am co-hosting with Christina at Love Yourself Healthy. We hope you're enjoying this series! Be sure to check out both blogs.

It is officially crunch time with only a few days left before Christmas. You can practically feel the level of stress escalating every time you enter a store. People are grabbing items off the shelf in a frenzied panic to finish up their shopping. Even if you had your shopping completed weeks ago, it's almost impossible not to let the panic affect you when you're surrounded by it.

Taking time to relax is important all of the time, but it's even more important in stressful times. Whether it be last minute Christmas shopping, rude comments that just keep coming from your in-laws, or watching your pocketbook shrink--taking time to decompress is just what the doctor ordered.

Here are five ways to help you find your Zen during this holiday season (and all year long!):

1. Spend Time Alone

As an introvert, alone time is critical for my sanity and maintaining a low stress level. It doesn't have to be an afternoon outing (although those are nice), but it can simply be as little as spending 10 minutes alone wherever it is that you happen to be. It is amazing how re-vitalizing it is to find a quiet space and spend just a few minutes in solitude. Take deep breaths, clear your thoughts, and simply be.

2. Blast Some Tunes

On the other hand, sometimes listening to the music that you love is good for the soul. Whether it be something upbeat to lift your spirits, or a slow and easy melody to calm your nerves--music is truly healing. Focus on the music and listen until you feel like the weight has been lifted from your shoulders and you're ready to face the world again.

3. Phone/Text a Friend

Pick up the phone and dial/text your person. You know the one. That special friend or relative who can always lift your spirits. You don't necessarily need to talk about what has you down, just talk about what you're looking forward to, share a funny joke you heard, or just call to say how much you appreciate him/her. The positive interaction will surely lift your spirits and help you relax.

4. Have Courage and Be Kind

That's right, sometimes being kind takes great courage. It takes strength to put your pride aside and humble yourself enough to be kind to someone you would rather share a few choice words with. You will come away from the interaction feeling a lot better about yourself if you just show kindness. Sometimes kindness means being the better woman and keeping your mouth shut. You can be kind in other ways too, like holding the door open for someone or letting a mother with a screaming baby check out before you. There will never be too much kindness in the world.

5. Enjoy a Cuppa Joe

This is by far my most utilized way to relax and is something I do almost every single day, twice per day! I like to add a flavored coffee creamer to my coffee at home, but I especially like to get a flavored latte (nonfat/sugar-free) at a coffee shop. Some people complain about the price of coffee but, if you think about it, there aren't too many ways that you can relax, de-stress, and find your calm for $4. If you're not a coffee drinker, try tea or an ice cold glass of water. Savor it.

To help you enjoy a Cuppa Joe, Christina and I are giving away a $25 Starbucks gift card this week! See Rafflecopter below to enter to win!

What's your go-to method of  de-stressing?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm also an introvert and the holidays stress me out. My husband is really good about letting me have a long break to mellow out. And music is always a quick fix for my mood!

  2. Mine is alone time or calling a good friend on the phone who I know will let me whine! :)



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