Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Healthy for the Holidays: Focus on Solutions

Are you thinking about the goals you’re going to set out to achieve in 2016?

I know that I am! I’m excited at the prospect of a new year and a new me. I have big dreams about transforming my body, mind, and life.

It’s ok to dream big because you cannot achieve something unless you know what it is that you’re working towards. You have to know where you’re going in order to get there. However, you have to be realistic—this involves setting smaller goals that will ultimately help you reach the destination of your big goal.

This is the last post for the Healthy for the Holidays series that I’ve teamed up with Christina at Love Yourself Healthy to bring to you. We hope you’ve enjoyed this series!

Healthy for the Holidays

It’s important to realize that big changes do not occur overnight and that they require a lot of hard work to achieve. The sweat and the tears can get in the way of our glamourous dreams. Even though the struggles are temporary, most people give up too soon.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people complain about a situation but make no effort to change it. I could often be quoted saying, “Stop focusing on the problems and start looking for the solutions”. It’s a complete waste of time to let negativity cycle through your brain, causing anxiety, discontentment, irritability, and resentment. Instead, be more productive by thinking positively and looking for solutions to fix whatever it is that you need fixed in your life.

The beginning of a new year brings hopefulness to people all over the world. It’s a clean slate, a chance to start again and really get it right this time. Instead of feeling weighted down by whatever it is that causing unhappiness, we begin to feel inspired and believe that anything is possible. Imagine having that hopefulness all year long. It’s a mindset of finding the solutions rather than dwelling on the problems.

My goal over the next couple of days is to identify the problems that have been nagging at me and to come up with a solution for each one. This year, I’m all about solutions instead of just having good intentions with my resolutions. Start small and work your way to making that big dream a reality!

Here are a couple of examples of problems preventing me from achieving my big dreams:

The Problem: I am overweight.

The Solution: I’ve already found the solution in a nutritional program that’s working for me. Remaining dedicated and consistent will require hard work. I will reach out to my support system when I am feeling weak.

The Problem: I’m not exercising conistently.

The Solution: Most days of the week, I won’t go to bed until I have 10,000 steps on my Fitbit. This means I will need to be more mindful of my activity throughout the day. I will schedule my workouts as if they are appointments.

This is meant to get you (and me!) thinking about what solutions you want to find in the New Year. I will share my list of problems and solutions within the next week. I’d love to hear about a problem you intend to solve, and how you intend to solve it, in the comments.

To help you find a solution to your fitness problems, we are giving away a Fitbit Flex to one lucky winner! Be sure to check out Christina’s post for more entries! Enter via Raflecopter below.

Fitbit Flex Activity + Sleep Wristband

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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