Friday, June 12, 2015

Weigh in Day

Close up of scale on white background

My week got off to a rough start and ended slightly bumpy. I had a couple of good days in there where I tracked everything and stayed within my points. It really screws with my head when I haven’t tracked and don’t really know where I’m at for the week.

There are two ways I could approach this week’s weigh in:

  1. If I didn’t decide to skip last week’s weigh in (I did weigh in but decided not to count it and move on), I would have lost 1 lb. this week.
  2. If I went with my original plan and didn’t count last week’s weigh in, I would have gained .8 lb. from two weeks ago.

Either way, I’m going to just say I’m .8 lb. from my lowest weight. That makes sense. But, I am happy that I did actually lose 1 lb. this week even though I am still up from my lowest. It’s all a mind game!

I’m a little worried about this week because we have plans over the weekend where I could very easily eat too many points. But on the other hand, we do have some activity planned so that will help (as long as the weather cooperates).

I am going to commit to tracking everything, no matter what. Sometimes I think I am doing terrible and then when I track the points I realize that it wasn’t as bad as I thought.

Well, I have a lot to get accomplished so I better get going!

How was your weigh in this week?


  1. Great weigh in (even if you're still up from your lowest)! And weight loss really is such mind game sometimes!

  2. Only up 0.8 from 2 weeks ago after having some rough days really doesn't seem all that bad to me! Best of luck over the weekend. I hate those tricky situations, but if you can preplan anything at all, and especially your mindset and reactions, you can do it!

  3. I think I lost like .2 this week and I don't know how cause I ate horrible pretty much lol. Well until yesterday when I started back. But st least we are hanging in there! You can do it girl good luck this weekend!!

  4. I think I lost like .2 this week and I don't know how cause I ate horrible pretty much lol. Well until yesterday when I started back. But st least we are hanging in there! You can do it girl good luck this weekend!!

  5. You're doing great! Keep up the good work :)

  6. Great are hanging I there! How was your weekend????



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