Monday, June 8, 2015

I’m back!

Hello everyone! It has been quite a while since I posted—which wasn’t intentional! I decided to go to my parent’s last week and I forgot my laptop at home so I just decided to take a little break.

I had good intentions to stay on track and I even brought along my scale so I could weigh on Friday. However, I didn’t. The Weight Watcher app quit working, so that was one problem…and really annoying. Otherwise, I enjoyed my time and don’t regret it.

I did step on the scale on Friday and quickly stepped off and decided to just skip the weigh in and give myself a break. I meant to get back on track on Friday, but once again I didn’t…until today. Hopefully I can undo some of the damage by Friday.

I was nervous about making the almost 4 hour drive alone with baby girl since I didn’t know how she would handle it. She did awesome though! She slept about half of the way there and I was prepared with lots of new toys after that. On the way home, she was up almost the entire way home but I get her entertained with her toys and snacks. She just looked out the window quite a bit too. Whew! I’m so glad that went well so I know that I can do it again.

We had so much fun but it seemed to go by super quickly. My sister and kids came for one day and baby girl had so much fun being around other kids and my nephew who is about a month older than her.


It was nice having a big fenced in back yard for her to walk around and play in. I had fun playing baseball with the older kids. It has been a really long time since I had the energy to do something like that.


My sister and I went to Old Navy for a little shopping. I found a couple of things on clearance that I’m loving. Here are the little shopping buddies.


And of course it’s always nice to be around my mom. I wish we lived closer! Baby girl adores her too.


I feel like I got a lot done over the weekend too…like I said, I’m so happy my energy is back!! I found a really cute chevron tote on a for sale group for $5, so I snatched that up. I sorted through all of baby girl’s toys and put some away for storage and others in bins on a shelf so they’re not all over the place anymore. It looks so much more organized.

I also consolidated baby clothes that have been sitting around, did some laundry, washed up the infant seat, and cut up fruit. This morning I went through my tank top drawer and made some decisions to get rid of things. Almost everything is too small and there is no point in holding on to things I won’t be able to wear for a long time—besides, they can all be replaced someday if I want to…I’m a bargain shopper so it’s not that big of a deal. I’m going to list them all for sale or take them to consignment to get a few extra bucks.

Slowly but surely I am going to get our house in order. When I was at my parent’s, I just loved how much it felt like home. Everything is so clean and perfect and in its place with no clutter. The backyard is beautifully landscaped, weed free, and full of beautiful flowers and plants. I kept thinking about how I wish we had a house and yard like that, but then I realized that I can MAKE our home like that…! And I’m excited to do so!

Well, I better get going so I can get some things accomplished during nap time!

How was your week?


  1. Graduation for the oldest, parties, end of school and a long weekend in Bismarck, ND with family, cousins, G&G ~ finally home and I need to really eat better, exercise again and get this house in order too!!

  2. I always feel the same going to in-laws' home--it just FEELS like home!

  3. I love the pics in this! So cute!!! Yay for surviving a 4-hour road trip with baby girl. I remember when I had only 2 and both were still in diapers. I headed out alone with them on the 3-hour drive to my hometown. One was potty training. She was crying that she needed to poop. I didn't get to a safe exit in time. Thankfully she traveled in a diaper. Still. It wasn't a fun stop on the way down, I'll say that much! Lol



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