Friday, September 18, 2015

Weigh in Day: A Week on Track

A Journey to Thin's Weekly Weigh In


I’m happy to report that I had a good week on track following the plan in a sustainable way. I didn’t feel deprived in any way. Perfect!

I was even rewarded with a loss this time. Imagine that!

I lost 1.5 lbs. for a total loss of 7.6 lbs.

I have to keep telling myself that progress is progress—no matter how many times I fall down, I keep getting up and 7.6 lbs. lost is better than 7.6 lbs. gained!

Here are my stats:

This Week
Last Week
Weekly Points Used:
Activity Points Earned:
Activity Points Used:
Total Steps:
Weight Loss this Week:
Total Weight Loss:
-7.6 lbs.

I look forward to Fridays even though I’m a SAHM. I look forward to hubby being home and helping out. I love just spending time together as a family.

We’re invited to a bon fire tonight, but I’m not feeling well so I don’t think I will go…again. Last year baby girl was sick on the day of the bon fire so we stayed home. This was right around the time that (looking back) I began to have PPD symptoms. I encouraged hubby to go to the bon fire without me when really I didn’t want him to go, but I didn’t want to tell him that.

When he got home I was so angry. I was resentful and hurt. Was this how my life would be from now on—always missing out on everything? That’s how it felt to me. We had a big argument over it all. I was pretty terrible!

Now I know what was going on with me and I can look at the entire situation through a new set of eyes with clearer vision. I will encourage hubby to go without baby and me again, and I won’t blow up at him when he gets home. ha Also, I don’t mind quiet time alone so much anymore.

Anyways, I just went off on a tangent about motherhood that I think I will save for another post! I love when the creativity takes over and the words just flow. But back to this post…

Other than that, I’m not sure we will do much of anything this weekend. I mostly just want to take a nap and wish this sickness away. It’s nothing horrible, it’s just annoying.

This is the last weekend of my 20s. I turn 30 on Wednesday. It’s hard to believe, but my increasingly white hair proves it’s true. It was just a few years ago when I said I still felt like I was 18 years old even though I was in my 20s. Now, well, I definitely feel 30. I think having a child does that to you. I feel like I imagine 30 must feel—not in a bad way, but there’s room for improvement.

What are you up to this weekend? How did you feel when you turned 30? How did you do on the scale this week?


P.S. I am giving Disqus commenting a try so that I can interact with you all better than I can on the Blogger commenting system. Let me know what you think!


  1. Congrats on the loss this week! Keep on "getting back up" and you'll get where you want to be :)

  2. Thanks, Lori! Each time I fall down I learn something new about myself. Practice makes perfect...someday I'll get there! :)

  3. That's good to hear. I'm guessing I will feel the same way soon!



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