Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Biggest Loser 5K

A few weeks ago, hubby and I participated in The Biggest Loser 5K. This was a completely different race experience than any of the other 5Ks we’ve run in. I felt like most of the participants were just like me—and that was encouraging and motivating. There were people of all ages, shapes and sizes—there were the obvious marathon runners but I think they were the minority. Most of the participants, like myself, had obvious struggles with weight but had taken a stand and were trying to do something about it. If you’ve ever run a race before, you know it’s usually the opposite—those of us with weight struggles are usually the minority.

Throughout the entire race, participants cheered each other on. For once, I wasn’t the only one struggling for my breath, red-faced and completely exhausted as I struggled to continue running 1 mile, and then 2, and then had to walk a couple of minutes. I could see the look of determination on other people’s faces that I so often feel myself. It was like coming home. I knew for a fact—that these people “get” me.


The Biggest Loser was a huge motivator for me during times of my weight loss journey. Seeing other people, like myself, struggle and persevere made me realize that I could do it too. There are so many people who have been inspired by the contestants on the show—and many of them showed up for the 5K. And I applaud The Biggest Loser for organizing an event like the 5K series—I have not seen any other event with the spirit and camaraderie that I saw at The Biggest Loser 5K.

As you know, my struggles with my weight have exceeded my victories lately. But I am still struggling and that counts for something. Seeing the photos of myself running is embarrassing. I cry a little inside when I see them, knowing that I’ve taken some backwards steps on this journey. This was certainly not my fastest 5K, and it very well might have been my slowest, but I gave it all I had and finished strong.

My favorite part about the 5K—EVERY finisher received a medal! My very first!



  1. Nice job, looks like you rocked it AND had fun!

  2. that is awesome girl!!!! i am sooo proud of you for always never giving up!!!! I know you will succeed and I look foward to it!! Congrats on your medal that looks so fun!!!!

  3. Well done to you!!! You deserve that medal! Congratulations on such a triumph x

  4. Big Congrats to you and your Hubby!!! Fantastic!!!

  5. Awesome!!! Theres one about two hours from my house and I wanted to partcipate so bad!!! But, I already have plans that weekend!!!

  6. Great job - I love that the Biggest Loser 5K races are happening all over!!

  7. Congratulations to both of you!!! You earned the medal because you rock :)

  8. That is so awesome for you and it sounds like a great race! You have the sweetest hubby to run it with you. :)

  9. Congrats , Nice .. Losing weight is never an easy task that's why to help by providing sensible information



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