Thursday, June 27, 2013

Maybe I’ll talk about something else for a while…

I’m sorry I haven’t been posting very much lately. Here’s the scoop.

I just feel like I have more struggles than victories lately. How often can I blog about the same things? I try, I do well, I fall down, I get back up, I do well, I fall back down… on and on. I haven’t given up on health, but lately I just feel like I don’t have much to share.

Would you mind if I posted about non-weight related things? I’m just so tired of thinking about my weight. With a title of “A Journey to Thin” you would probably expect to find weight loss related topics though, huh?

I guess this is all part of my journey—and I will get there someday. But I might start branching out into other topics and open it up to more than just about my weight and weight loss journey. What do you think about that?

Want to hear about my projects? My new-found goal of creating crafty/artsy things? About life in general? I’m thinking of more of a lifestyle blog. Health and weight loss will always be a big part of my life (unfortunately) so I would still write about them as I felt motivated to.

What do ya say?


  1. I think just talk about real life. I'm about the 60 lbs. lost mark as well and wow, it just gets old. I am feeling better, looking better, and I wonder, should I really keep going? I know I'd do well to lose another 20-30 lbs, I just feel like I keep losing then gaining the same 2 lbs. over & over again!

  2. I think life in general. :) I know I would still be here. I know I'm not very motivational myself, but once again allow me to offer that we could email or text about our struggles... see if we can help each other in some way. I dunno. I do understand that you may not be interested in that at all. Shoot, change your name to ajourneytome or ajourneytoalissa or something if it makes you feel better to have a different title in your header. Regardless, I think those who have gotten to "know you" over the last few years will still be here! :)

    1. As you think life in general and I like your suggestion too. I would like to share one tip for students that now they can ask online writers to write my essay for me without grammar and spelling mistakes. However, It sounds good to read about the journey :)

  3. Will love to read your blog no matter what you post :)

  4. Everytime I read your posts I really have to stop and make sure I didn't write it! I would still follow your blog no matter what you write!

  5. Im not going anywhere!! This is your blog!! YOU write about what YOU want!!!

  6. Just write and post. I'll keep reading.

  7. Alissa - post about whatever you want. It's *your* blog. I like blogs that have all kinds of things to say. You know I do the same thing and write about whatever is going on.

    Hugs to you!

  8. I say post whatever you like - i will keep reading - I like posting about life with a little weight loss mixed in. It is tough to just post about one topic all the time. Do what makes you happy :)

  9. Post whatever you feel like!! I do and that's how my blog will always be!!!

  10. Share away, I just don't read bc you are trying to become healthier, I read bc I enjoy hearing about you :)

  11. Carefull! The grind can sap your spirits. Always try new things and keep it fresh!

  12. I look forward to any post from you Alissa. You are an excellent writer!

  13. you could do a favorites post here and there, i LOVE reading those on blogs!! I like hearing about your day in general & about what new coffee finds you are into. Maybe posting one meal a day or a favorite snack or something? Idk but Id read either way!

  14. Weight loss is just a part of your life. I'd love to hear more about the person behind the diet and see more of the real you. I'll continue following you whatever you write about as I think you are a good inspiration for us all.

  15. I know how you feel. Sometimes I get tired of posting-"went for my run today, it went well, blah blah blah....) Usually I turn to the latest in weight loss and health news and see if there's anything I can work up a passionate opinion about, but every once in a while I just..ugh. I think there's every possibility that if you talk about something else for a while, it could re-energize you for the main topic of the blog.



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