Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Facebook Live Event
Comment below if you're in and I will send you a Facebook event invite! There will be prizes given away and it's a really easy way to learn about the nutritional program that I follow.
It's all in your head
- Circumstance: This is an irrefutable truth.
- Thoughts: Anything you can change.
- Feelings: Our thoughts are catalysts for our feelings.
- Activities: Our feelings are dictated by our activities.
- Results: The outcome.
Shift Your Paradigm
What thought processes can you change around?
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Personal Development Virtual Book Club
I hope that you can join us as we read and discuss The Magic by Rhonda Byrne! Please send me a message or leave a comment below if you're interested!
Monday, May 23, 2016
Getting after it!
I attended an event in Chicago this past week that I found very motivational for me. We received training from Susan Sly and she was amazing. Her words really hit home for me. It seemed like she really understands the reasons for being overweight--I believe she even stated that all extra weight is emotional. As you know, I completely agree.
I will be sharing some of the break throughs that I had while I was there--hopefully this week! Isn't it amazing how someone can say just the right words?
Anyways, I have been fired up! Yesterday was my first day to be back on track and I feel like my mind is so much clearer now. I have focus again and I'm ready to meet my goal!
I actually decided to stay at my parent's for the week with Little Miss Sunshine. I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to get a good start. My mom does the same weight loss program as I do, so I have the support that I need.
Another bonus is having someone to watch the little one so that I can workout! I set my alarm for 5:30 this morning so that I could get up and go to the gym before Little Miss Sunshine woke up. I am SO proud of myself for doing so!
I came up with a million excuses for why I should skip my workout.
My Fitbit died. I'm having allergy/asthma issues. I only got 5 hours of sleep. I could workout in the afternoon. I'm tired. I have a business meeting. I forgot my earbuds.
I could go on and on and on.
I'm off to a good start!
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Mini-Vacation to Nebraska
It was great to get away and just spend time together as a family. We spent the night in Sioux City and did a little shopping the next morning before heading out to the graduation party.
Little Miss Sunshine was super excited when she spotted this carousel at the mall. So of course I had to take her for a ride while daddy shopped at Scheels. She loved it.
Monday, May 16, 2016
The 'Keep Fresh' Purse Kit - #GIVEEXTRAGETEXTRA #Walgreens #ad
Is there anything more refreshing than the arrival of spring after a long, cold winter?
Flowers are blooming, the grass is green again, and you're finally able to spend time outdoors enjoying it all. After being cooped up in the house all winter, it's revitalizing to spend time under the bright blue sky, with the wind blowing against your face, and the sun warming your skin.
If you're like me, you are probably spending a lot more time outside and being more active in general. There will be trips to the zoo, amusement parks, outdoor date nights, camping, outdoor sports, and so on.
Keeping fresh while actively living life to the fullest can be a challenge. Your problem is solved with this 'Keep Fresh' purse kit. It's also a handy kit to have in your car for when you're on the go, or in your desk drawer at the office for after a walk on your lunch break or after a business meeting over dinner--wherever you might need a quick refreshing.
{Pick a Bag}
{The Contents: Deodorant}
Travel sized deodorant is a must have in your 'Keep Fresh' kit. Have you ever left the house and suddenly realized that you somehow forgot to apply deodorant? It's horrifying. What a relief to have extra deodorant with you! Even on the good days, you can sneak in a workout during a break at work and reapply your deodorant so you still smell fresh.
{The Contents: Body Spray}
{The Contents: Cleansing Wipes}
{The Contents: Extra® Gum Polar Ice®}
{The Contents: Dental Flossers}
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Still Trying
I sat down to write a post every day this week, but I felt like I didn't have anything to say. In reality, I probably have a lot of things that I should be saying but instead I'm not taking the time to process and make sense of my behaviors lately.
I have continued to struggle. Even adding WW to my plan isn't really helping. It's not the plan, it's just me. I have a hard time not hating myself even more for that.
It's the same old cycle and I want it to end so badly. However, I can't seem to let go of old habits and using food as my coping mechanism.
I've felt defeated lately, like I will always be this way. Always fat and dealing with the shame and guilt of it all. Would I feel better about myself if I were thin? I'd still be me but just in a different body. Maybe I'd still hate myself.
I actually researched weight loss surgery this week because I was feeling so desperate. But I reminded myself that I'd be worse off if I don't fix the real psychological problem. I'd end up gaining the weight back and probably be worse off health wise. It's just not worth it. I have to fix the real problem first.
Maybe I had hoped that I would fix this problem quickly. It's a lot more complicated than that. Have you seen that quote going around that says, "I woke up one day and decided I couldn't live like this anymore, so I changed. Just like that."? I feel like it should be like that--that I wake up, make a decision to change, and all is done.
Here's the thing--I wake up every single day and tell myself that I'm going to change. Some days I do really well and others I fail miserably. There's never a day that goes by when I wake up and say, "I'm going to eat whatever I want today"--never. The good intentions are always there.
Anyways, this is where I'm at right now--back in the same place I've been in for years. I'm still not giving up though.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Thursday, May 5, 2016
The Purr-Rect Litter Box Setup #YouGottaBeKittenMe
You've heard the stories that people tell about their cats. They usually include something like this, "Little Whiskers is so smart. He thinks he's a person. He knows how to make me coffee (2 pumps caramel, 2 sweeteners) and fetches my newspaper every morning." And you're just sitting there like, "riiiiight."
People love their furry friends like they love their children. These exaggerated cat stories are the equivalent of the "My son is an honor roll student" bumper stickers.
If you're a cat owner you have to admit that you've been guilty of gushing over your four-legged fur-ball of joy a time or two. It's ok, it just means that you're smitten with your kitten--you're a good mama to your babies.
Let me tell you a few stories about my feline friends.
My long-haired, lion-cut cat named Dudley thinks he's a dog. He does, I swear.
Dudley also thinks he's a person. I mean, he can open a door by reaching his paw up and turning the knob. I kid you not. Dudley is also a genius--the Einstein of felines.
And then we have Daisy. She's all sass and 100% cat.
She does not think she's a dog. She does not think she's a person. She acts likes a cat, thinks like a cat, and meows like a cat. She's comfortable in her own fur. She's persistent--annoyingly so.
She's a princess and she knows it.
When Little Miss Sunshine was born, I was so afraid to have Dudley and Daisy near her because I was nervous they would try to hurt our beautiful baby girl. It didn't take long before I realized that Dudley and Daisy are the ones who need protecting from the wild-child that hubby and I created.
Can you see the look of fear when they hear the toddler coming?
These two cats of ours are with us for better or for worse. They often drive me crazy, but I'll be sad when they're gone. Pets are sneaky like that--they find a way into your heart and become a part of the family.
Cats are easy to take care of because they do most of the work themselves. One of the few responsibilities a cat owner has is to provide a litter box and to keep it clean. Don't worry if you don't have a good litter box set up--cats are resourceful and they'll find somewhere else to do their business. No biggie, right? Eek!
Many of us probably didn't even think twice when we set up a space for the litter box, but it turns out that cats are very sensitive to such things and will let you know if the litter box is not up to their standards. And rightfully so, you wouldn't like doing your business in an uncomfortable space either.
Here are a few tips for the purr-fect litter box set up. Your cats will thank you for considering their litter box needs.
Size Matters
Make sure the litter box is large enough for your cat. It should be about the length of your cat and wide enough for him/her to turn around in. If the litter box isn't big enough, you may find your cat missing the box. Make sure the sides are easy to step into, especially if you have an older cat or a kitten. On the same note, the litter should be anywhere from 2-4" deep, and less for kittens.
No Lids Allowed
A litter box with a lid is the equivalent to a hot and stuffy port-a-potty for humans. Just, Ew. Cats have an extremely powerful sense of smell and a lid simply traps the odors inside, making it un bearable.
Here's the Scoop
I'm not a fan of cleaning the litter box, but I don't know anyone who is. The best practice is to scoop the litter box twice per day. Keeping it clean makes it more comfortable for your cat and also ensures he/she can find a spot to do their business in the box instead of elsewhere. While it may be tempting to use a plastic liner or garbage bag, cats do not like the noise and may avoid the litter box because of it.
Give it a Good Scrubbing
At least once a month, empty the litter box and scrub the box with mild soap and water. Don't use soap with a strong scent as it will be bothersome to the cat's senses.
Location, Location, Location
Picking the perfect location for the litter box is key. There should be at least one box on each level and it should be easy and convenient to get to but also provide your cat privacy.
Be sure to keep the litter box location separate from the eating area-- you wouldn't want to eat in the bathroom. On another note, the location should be relatively quiet and away from any loud noises (think appliances).
The location of the box should give your cat a maximum visual advantage so he/she is not ambushed by an opponent (i.e. another cat, dog, toddler). The corner litter box (shown above) is perfect for this reason.
Do Yourself a Favor

Nobody wants their house to smell like cat poo. One way to avoid this is to keep the kitty box away from any heat source (like the furnace). The heat will cause the odor to become stronger.
Another great way to keep the odors down is to use Fresh Step Total Control with the Power of Febreze because it contains Borate Technology, which prevents the growth of odor-causing bacteria. This doesn't mean the litter has a strong "scent" either, it just has the odor controlling properties of Febreze.
A Plus One
The general rule is to have one litter box per cat, plus one more. This rule applies to each level of the home too. If you have multiple cats, they may or may not use the same litter box. Some cats prefer to use one litter box to urinate and a separate litter box to defecate. It's important to provide options for your cat.
Thanks to Sam's Club, I was able to donate $100 to Last Hope Animal Rescue--a non-profit animal rescue organization in Cedar Rapids, IA which provides foster homes and adoption services for cats and dogs. What a great organization!
Changing Things Up: Adding in Weight Watchers (again)
I’ve been thinking about adding Weight Watchers back into my life for a while. I am not quitting my Isagenix plan by any means—I am in love with the product and how it makes me feel. But being that I am trying to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food, I thought that adding in Weight Watchers might be a good idea.
I’ve been struggling since February, and not because Isagenix doesn’t work. I just lost my mojo—despite seeing incredible results. I’ve since discovered that it’s because I struggle with Binge Eating Disorder and despite whatever efforts I’ve ever made to lose weight (many times with success)—I always fall back into these habits whenever I have something going on in my head which triggers my disordered eating.
I am continuing therapy and have seen progress, albeit very slow, by doing so. It’s a process. I have to change the way that I think about food. I have to be mindful of every bite. I have to learn to find a new way to cope with emotions and to find comfort. That will take time. I’ve been fostering these habits for 20+ years and I can’t expect to change over night.
One thing I’ve started to do is to think about food differently. I’m trying to eliminate the “good” or “bad” food concept. It’s just food—it doesn’t have any impact on my value as a human being.
For example, while dining out recently I ordered a side salad and a small order of garlic parmesan fries. I rarely eat fries and the garlic parmesan part just sounded amazing.
It took me a long time to figure out what to order and it was because I was being very mindful. I finally settled on just ordering two items ala cart because it’s what I really wanted and was the amount of food I could eat without over indulging.
I didn’t feel stuffed afterwards. I felt satisfied. I enjoyed that meal more than any meal I’ve had in a very long time. I tried not to beat myself up for eating fries, a perceived “bad” food in my book.
For me, it’s about realizing that the 20th bite, when I’m actually well past full, never tastes as good as the 1st or 2nd bite tastes. It’s about realizing that the first 19 bites did not make me feel better, so continuing to eat to try to find comfort is not working. I seem to think that the more I eat and the faster I eat will somehow satisfy whatever emotional hunger I have. It never, ever does—and it’s realizing that which is inspiring me to change my habits.
Starting Weight Watchers will help me learn to eat the right portion sizes again and to be more mindful of the impact that the food is having on my body. It will help influence my food choices.
A lot has changed since I followed Weight Watchers last! There are no longer PointsPlus values but points are now called SmartPoints. It seems that the calculation of points includes calories, saturated fat, sugar, and protein.
I finally made the decision to add WW to my current plan when I saw that you can get 3 months for 55% off today since it’s Cinco de Mayo. You can sign up here. 3 months gives me a good amount of time to decide if my modified plan is working for me or not!