Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spring flowers and first garden produce

First, I want to show off my beautiful spring flowers. This time, they’re not covered in snow like they were just a few days ago.

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I wish I could have captured the brilliant color of the the flowers above. Beautiful!

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So colorful and so beautiful! I have been wanting to plant daffodils since we moved here almost seven years ago—still haven’t done it! but the tulips sure have filled in.

And I am SO excited about the garden produce. We planted asparagus forever ago and were told to let the plant establish itself and cut the asparagus on the third year. We are on the third year!! So Excited.

From our garden:

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This is our second harvesting this season! And it is delicious. So flavorful.

And guess what else we get to finally eat this year?

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Rhubarb!! Excited to eat rhubarb that we have grown! It needs a little longer to grow and then I’ll be making strawberry rhubarb concoctions!

We haven’t planted our summer garden yet, but will be doing so soon. Hopefully there won’t be any more snow! I’m thinking we’re safe.

What are you planting in your garden this year?


  1. Your asparagus looks awesome! No garden here, but my neighbor says he has planted squash, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc this year and we can grab some when it starts coming in. yay!

  2. Your flowers look gorgeous! I wish we had room to grow veggies.

  3. I need a garden! come help me plant one! hehe



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