Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Weekend

We had a great weekend. It was the first time in a long time that we’ve been able to just relax without anything else going on. It was WONDERFUL!

Friday night, we took Hubby’s parents out for dinner for their 35th wedding anniversary.

Saturday, we worked outside. I got to mow the lawn for the first time this year and burned 277 calories! I did some yard work and burned quite a few calories that way too. Here are some picture of the tulips on front of our house:

Spring2010 004

Spring2010 005

Spring2010 006

Spring2010 007

Spring2010 008

Aren’t they beautiful? I love the spring flowers!

We were able to go on an hour long bike ride Sunday afternoon. I burned 501 calories doing that. It was nice to get some fresh air and sunshine. I love how burning calories is so much more fun when the weather is nicer!

I realized once again that I have a big problem with sugar. So today, I made a conscious effort to just stay away from it. It’s working. I feel like I’ve made a lot healthier choices today than I have for a long time. I went over my points a bit, but it was still a better day, eating wise, than I’ve had for a long time!

I’m going to make this a good week!


  1. Pretty flowers! They look so beautiful.
    And quite a calorie burn there too!

  2. Sugar is my nemesis as well :( Very pretty flowers! I love this time of year.

  3. I love Spring so feel free to show as many photo's of it as you can...



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