Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend in Review

I can’t believe the weekend is practically over already. It went so fast, but it always does!

Friday night I didn’t feel like cooking so hubby and I tried out a little pizza place we had never been to before. I was really impressed. The pizza had a thin crust and had absolutely no grease on it. We’ll definitely go there again. We were the only ones in there for most of the time! It was a cute little place with a lot of character.

We came home and watched Celebrity Apprentice, episode 2. It’s entertaining for sure!

Saturday, we had to go over to the in-law’s and help trim pine trees. I was thinking there were 2 or 3 trees. WRONG! There were like 20! It was my MIL and my job to haul all of the branches to the fire. We did this for about 3 hours. I regret taking my heart monitor off- I didn’t want it to get ruined by sap- because WOW that was a workout! I am sure I burned a TON of calories!

After that, we went over to a friend’s house who wanted to get rid of one of her flower gardens. I got as many perennials as we could fit in the truck! We came home and planted them.

FedEx was supposed to deliver a package to us on Friday. The tracking said it was delivered but we never received it. We were worried that someone had stolen it off of our porch and were pretty upset about it. Hubby had ordered a bike hitch off of ebay so we can haul our bikes easier. We were like, who would steal that, seriously?! So while we were out planting the flowers, an old lady drove up and said that the package was delivered across town at another elderly woman’s home who wasn’t able to get out of her door because the package was in front of her door. So we went over there and picked it up. We were so glad it wasn’t stolen!

The great news about this is that we have a camping trip planned soon! We’re going to bring our bikes because there are some bike trails where we are going! I can’t wait!! We are in long need of a vacation. It will be 3 days, but it’s better than nothing!

On Sunday, we did our usual and just relaxed. I baked some banana bread and hubby made up some rhubarb sauce. Yum! I love when the rhubarb is ready. Speaking of, our strawberries have blooms and our raspberry bush is taking off! I’ll have to take pictures. This will be the 2nd year, so we should get fruit this year!

My eating hasn’t been the greatest this weekend. So far the scale is fine though. I really need to get it together. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I care about it and I’m not giving up, but I can’t seem to be 100% dedicated! I think it will help when I’m done with school in a couple of weeks.

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Hi there,

    Seems like a fun weekend you've had! Cutting and hauling pine trees sure seems like a ton of work! Guess you'll be scale happy for your weigh-in. Can't wait to see the pics of your strawberry and raspberry bushes!


  2. You sure burned lots of calories for sure..

    Burning calories every week is my personal goal...I aim for 3 500 and over, Sunday I did a walk for 1 hour and 40 mins, then ran a little back to my car - workout was 2 hours and 13 mins and only 480 calories burned...was I disappointed.

  3. That tree work probably helped with the food this weekend. Stay focused and keep moving along!

  4. So glad the package was okay! It sounds like you burned a lot of calories! That is so great.

    Hope your week goes well.



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