Friday, October 16, 2015

Week in Review: not weighing in

Diet time

I’m not able to weigh in today since I’m at my parents and I didn’t pack my scale. But I thought I would check in to update you on how I did this past week.

I counted everything that I ate and I was right on track until last night when we went out to dinner for my dad’s birthday and I also had a brownie with coconut pecan frosting, which I made for his birthday.

While eating out, I ordered a salad instead of fries to save on points. Overall, I ended up going over 8 points for the week. That’s not so bad considering!

I thought about not tracking my food when I knew I would probably go over, but my friend Staci told me that I should just track what I eat for better or worse—so that’s what I did. I’m glad that I tracked because if I hadn’t, I would have assumed that I had done far worse.

Yesterday, I took Little Miss Sunshine on a walk to the park I used to play at as a child, which is at the elementary school I went to. It’s amazing how things change. I was happy to get that activity in and the weather was beautiful.

I try to work the “what you can, when you can” philosophy and walk as much as I can when I am out and about—whether it’s parking farther away or just walking around more while I’m shopping. It all adds up!

Here are the stats for the week:

This Week
Last Week
Weekly Points Used:
Activity Points Earned:
Activity Points Used:
Total Steps:
Weight Loss this Week:
Total Weight Loss:

I’ll probably just wait until next week to weigh in. I’m kind of enjoying feeling ok about my week regardless of what the scale says. I will aim to keep it within my points allowance this next week!


How did your week go?

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