Friday, August 22, 2014

Look Up

I was looking at my Facebook Timeline the other day and I thought, “wow—I sure have been negative lately”—and that’s totally not me. I’m usually a glass-half-full kind of gal.

I complained about a store clerk who rubbed me the wrong way, voiced my distaste for an article I had read, grumbled about choosing the line at Wal-Mart where the woman in front of me asked for every single of her 20 items to be rung up on a separate receipt, my piece of junk Toshiba laptop with Windows 8, and even how reading the comments on news stories makes me lose faith in humanity. All in the past two weeks.

Whew! That’s a lot of complaining.

It made me realize that I have been spending too much time looking down. While looking down, all I see is the dirt around my own two feet—all of the bad and totally self centered. And in these moments, I realize it’s time to look up again.

There’s a bright blue sky above. The sun is often shining and even if it’s not, the rain in the clouds keeps the earth alive. There’s a better perspective when looking up—less self involvement, in fact, you don’t even see yourself when you look up.

And I mean this in a couple of different ways: simply finding the positives in every experience, but also in looking up spiritually.

Just this morning I thought to myself, I am glad that it is the soul that is eternal and the body that is temporal.

Look up. Look up. Look UP.


  1. I'm glad you are trying to be more positive. Something we should all aim for.

  2. Look up and keep swimming as some say! We all have those kinds of weeks.

  3. It is super easy to complain. I find myself being a Negative Nancy a lot, too. I really used to be so upbeat and happy! Sometimes I still am, but it seems I have so much more things I am negative about anymore.

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  5. Hi :) I just came across your blog! I think nowadays it is easy to get swept up by negativity, especially given all the tragedy on the news. However, looking at all the positives in our lives on a daily basis can definitely ease that gloom - and I really believe positive rubs off on others too which is never a bad thing :)



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