Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Doctor’s appointment and other updates

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Our little family took our first camping trip. We enjoyed our time. Hopefully this is the first of many.

I mentioned that I had a doctor’s appointment last week. I had blood work done and everything came back perfect! My blood pressure has also been perfect. Even my asthma symptoms have practically disappeared. I’m really not sure why—but it’s pretty great. My doctor even said this was one of the worst years for asthma. I think that something in the office where I worked triggered symptoms. It would be pretty great if this improvement continued.

The only concern my doctor had was my weight (of course). I told her that I’m working on it. But it’s so good to know that I am at least healthy. For the most part, I eat healthy foods—I just sometimes eat too much or have a few too many sweets.

I feel like if I could just lose 10 lbs. that maybe I would be more motivated. I have such a mountain in front of me. It’s daunting. I have so far to go.

At the moment, I have just been happy not to be gaining any more. But it’s time to see some losses. As I discussed yesterday, I am not able to nurse. I did see my weight increase after I couldn’t nurse anymore (baby started refusing). While I was nursing, I lost weight—which I have since gained back. Another reason I am sad breastfeeding did not work out for me…but I’m really not surprised. Anything that would make weight loss easier is never an option for me. lol When am I ever going to realize this?

Oh yeh—another thing… I talked about how I wasn’t sure if I was going to continue this blog or start a new one. I decided to continue this one—but with a slight addition. My blog is now “A Journey to Thin: The Baby Weight and Beyond Edition”, as you can see in my header. What do you think? I kind of love it. This way it makes me feel like I can open up about more than simply weight loss. It’s also just a continuation of my weight loss journey in my next phase of life... and more!

Although, yesterday I kind of poured my heart out about the topic and didn’t get any comments. So I’m not sure anyone wants to read about these mommy topics, but I guess it’s my blog! lol.

I want to do some redesign and I might try to do it myself—I just have very limited time to do so. So maybe that will come sometime in the future.

So I guess that’s pretty much what I have to share today! Have a good day!


  1. I think it looks nice. :) I didn't comment yesterday, I guess because I was able to breast feed my 4 and didn't really know what to say. Sometimes if you've not experienced it, you just don't know! Oh, and while breastfeeding I PACKED ON the weight. I'm some crazy weirdo who gains when pg. I lose while pg, come home weighing less than pre-pregnancy, then I breastfeed and balloon up. Ugh! lol That's so great that you got an overall great report from the doctor. I really think sometimes the changes that pregnancy brings changes other things in our bodies, too. Who knows! I can't imagine a camping trip with a wee one. How cool that you even attempted it, let alone succeeded. Lol Sounds like you're getting in your motherhood groove. :)

  2. Excuse me - that was supposed to say LOSES while pg, not gains.

    1. Hi Staci! I just wanted to let you know I love reading your blog :)

  3. I had a similar experience to yours with my first baby. When I got pregnant again two years later at 34, I told my doctor that I wanted to try breastfeeding again and he was NOT supportive. He said something along the lines of "If you were not successful the first time, you won't be the second time." All that did was make me determined to do it and prove to myself that I could do it and that he was wrong. Ha ha

    After my second baby was born, I did not try to be super mom as I had the first time. My feet barely touched the floor the first month after giving birth. I rested, drank tons of liquids and dedicated myself to being successful at breastfeeding. For a couple of weeks, I even hired a teenager to come in and play with my two year old so she would not be left out of things.

    The pediatrician was supportive as long as she was consistently gaining. She did gain slowly and consistently, and I successfully nursed until she was 11 months old. So the moral of this story is that you should not think of it as a failure but a first attempt. Try again with your next baby. :)

  4. Thank you, Caron. That is encouraging. I will definitely try again next time.

  5. I love reading your blog! :o) I have a 17 month old and can relate to a lot of what you say.



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