Monday, August 19, 2013

Still Going Strong

Hello everyone! It is so nice to hear from you in the comments again. Smile

Day 2 and Day 3 went well!

On Day 2, I was within my calorie guideline. Yippee! Hubby and I also went for a 30 minute walk. For once, I was the one pushing him to get out there and get active, and then once we were out there I griped and complained the entire way. lol But we got it done! And check out the pretty picture I took for you—a bee in motion!


You’re welcome. Winking smile

Day 3 went well. I have stayed within my calorie guidelines and have enough left for a snack this evening. I am still in a good mindset—so that helps a lot! This weekend, I stocked up on some healthy foods and new snacks—that keeps things interesting.

I am not going to weigh until Saturday morning, which will leave me in anticipation but also inspire me to stay on track. I will be excited to see how I do!

Until tomorrow!


  1. Thanks for being real! Congrats! I know you can do it. You are an inspiration to me.

  2. good job girl me and hubby went to the gym this morning!

  3. You inspire me, and you've been nominated:



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