Sunday, January 12, 2014

A boy or a girl?

Hey everyone! I have found myself in a little bit more of a blogging mood lately…just haven’t taken the time to sit down and write anything.

We found out about a week ago that we will be welcoming a baby girl into our little family!  It was so fun seeing the ultrasound.  It made it so much more real and calmed some of my anxiety knowing and seeing that everything was ok. 

There are so many more options for decorating, clothes, etc. for baby girls… I am going to have so much fun with this. Open-mouthed smile

My appointments have been a few weeks later than normal because of scheduling conflicts, etc., so after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, we can finally start preparing. We have plans to make a nursery shopping trip soon.  I’ve been surfing the net for all kinds of ideas and I’m hoping we can find what I’m looking for!

The pregnancy is going great.  I guess I have been one of those lucky ones who doesn’t get morning sickness (just a little nausea) and have been feeling pretty good!  I’ve been sick over the past week with a nagging cold, cough, etc.…but it’s that time of year and I’m slowly getting better.  I have the best husband in the world who takes care of me, so I’m still a happy chica.

I have been finding lots of surprises in pregnancy.  There are so many things I could write about, and maybe I will have to finally get them out of my head and published here.  What an experience!

I will be 24 weeks on Tuesday, so I’m getting really close to the third trimester! The time seems to drag on and on but yet it’s going really quickly too.

Baby is due May 6th, which will be perfect.  The weather will be starting to warm up and I look forward to taking our little princess out in a stroller for walks, and working my way back up to running.  Hubby and I will sign up for some 5Ks and it will be nice to get back into the “weight loss” groove again. There are so many changes ahead—I am excited and nervous at the same time. Smile


  1. Congrats on your little girl! She'll be here before you know it!

  2. Congratulations to both of you! You sound so happy right now. It's great to see :D

  3. OMG a little girl, so very exciting :)

  4. You guys will do great. A little girl is so exciting!

  5. Congratulations and truly cherish your pregnancy. The first baby is such an awesome time of new beginnings!

  6. Girls are great! :) You really will fall in love with your husband all over again when you see him as a daddy. It's just something so special. Glad you are having a good pregnancy. I never really had morning sickness, either. WHEW.

  7. Congrats to you and hubby on the baby girl, who you'll soon meet! Take care of yourself and "Little Roz". HA! So kidding...not about the taking care, about the name.

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  9. Wow, congratulations a baby girl - that's so exciting :)


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  11. Guys, I have had a Rough Road, let me tell ya!! I have had Two Life Saving Transplants at Fairview Hospital in Minneapolis there. My Senior Year, at Arizona State there, my Senior Year, I got Valley Fever!! That is a Disease, you get from even being in Arizona Desert there!!! It is a Dust Sphore, and does NOT affect most People, but it sure did Me though. Out of the 12 People who got it when I did, I am the ONLY One still Living!!!! Yes, Crazy for sure.

    I was Told, about this Miracle Coffee, and it is Amazing for sure too. It has a Bunch of these items used in Alternative Medicine too. But if you watch ANY Drug Commercial these Days, you might Consider Alternative Medicine too!! The Comedy Guys, talking about the Commercials on TV, listing the "Side Effects" they call them too, that are LONGER, than the Good things the Drug does too!!! Not for Me anyway. I found a Solution, and it is ALL Natural too!! This Coffee, has these Ancient Mushrooms Extracts in it, and it Tastes Great too. Look below, at One of the Stuff in it too!!

    Ganoderma shows promise in reducing cholesterol levels and easing allergy-related inflammation of the airways, according to preliminary evidence from animal-based studies. Here's a look at more of the science behind ganoderma's health-enhancing effects.
    1) Cancer and the Immune System
    Often used as an immune stimulant by people with cancer, ganoderma has been shown to strengthen immunity as well as combat cancer-cell proliferation. In a 2003 study of 34 people with advanced-stage cancer, for instance, taking ganoderma in supplement form three times daily for 12 weeks led to a significant increase in T-cells (known to play a central role in immune defense).
    Lab tests on breast cancer cells, meanwhile, found that combining extracts of ganoderma and green tea heightened the mushroom's ability to slow cancer-cell growth.

    2) Antioxidant Benefits
    Several small studies have suggested that regular use of ganoderma supplements may increase your levels of antioxidants, compounds thought to protect against disease and aging.
    3) Relief of Urinary Tract Symptoms
    In a 2008 study of 88 men with urinary tract symptoms, researchers found that ganoderma was significantly superior to placebo in providing symptom relief.
    Using Ganoderma For Health
    Ganoderma is available in capsules and liquid extracts, both of which can be found at health food stores. You can also take ganoderma in tea or coffee form, but beware that the flavor may be bitter.

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