Monday, August 1, 2016

7 Tips to Help You Survive That Time of the Month

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WhatMattersToU #CollectiveBias

That dreaded time of the month, the one that inevitably comes on a week where it's inconvenient. Unless you're trying to get pregnant, you just have to welcome Aunt Flo with open arms and thank her for coming. You just have to make the best of it and, if you're like me, hope the temporary changes with hormones don't cause you to do too much damage in your relationships. Just saying.

It helps to be kind to yourself and practice a little TLC during That Time of the Month. It's what matters most. Our bodies are working overtime, we're uncomfortable, and probably a little moody. We each have our own way of making the best of it and surviving the ride. Here are seven things I often do to help alleviate the discomforts.

1. Get Your ZZZs

I am extra tired during my period and when I don't get enough sleep, period or no period, I am extra grumpy. Many women experience difficulty sleeping during this time, so it's important to wind down before going to bed--read a book, take a warm bubble bath, listen to soothing music, anything to help you relax. Most importantly, make sure you're getting enough sleep at night by going to bed at a reasonable hour.

2. Move Your Body

Do what makes your body feel good-- if that's simply doing some low-key candlelight yoga, then go for it! If making your body feel good means running 10 miles-- do your thing. Exercise can help alleviate PMS symptoms and stretching those muscles just feels good. If your gym has a massage bed, visit it after your workout for an even more soothing experience. Getting those endorphins flowing will help lift your mood too.

3. Hydrate

That Time of the Month can leave you feeling bloated and just "ugh". I have found that I feel a lot better when I am drinking plenty of water. It can actually help alleviate the cramps and bloating associated with That Time of the Month. Keep that bottle of water handy!

4.  U by Kotex®

Am I the only one who acts like a teenager and feels embarrassed buying tampons and pads? I know, it sounds completely ridiculous-- but for whatever reason, I get a little uncomfortable. But come on, it's a fact of life!

I always buy the U by Kotex® products at Walmart (in the feminine products section) because they have Style N' Store packaging with cool designs. For whatever reason, it just makes me feel more comfortable about buying the Time of the Month necessities. The Style N' Store packages have a convenient drawer feature for easy storage. No one will ever suspect what's hiding in that beautiful box.

On a more serious note, I love the good quality of the U by Kotex® Cleanwear® Ultra Thin Pads and the U by Kotex® Barely There® Liners. They're so comfortable you'll barely know it's there. The U by Kotex® Cleanwear® Ultra Thin Pads have uniquely shaped Tru-Fit® wings with super soft sides for comfort and come in a 29 count package. The U by Kotex® Barely There® Liners are great for when you have a light period or if you just want to stay clean and fresh every day. These come in an 80 count package.They're perfect paired with a tampon and can help you survive that Time of the Month.

There is a SNIPP offer that is live through 9/30/16. Purchase two packs of U by Kotex® products at Walmart, text UbyKotex to 811811 and upload a photo of your receipt. Go to and register to choose your customized reward. There are options for music, gift cards, ebooks, and magazines-- how fun!

5. Pain Relief

There's no reason for you to suffer with painful cramps and discomfort. Take a pain reliever to help alleviate the symptoms. Even better, you can purchase a pain reliever made specifically for periods that actually helps with bloating too. I find that taking something for the pain makes me feel a lot more comfortable and keeps me in good spirits. Of course, always consult your doctor before taking anything. You could also do something more natural, like using a heating pad to help with back pain, or getting a massage.

6. Eat a Little Chocolate

I used to work in retail, and I actually noticed that when women bought their tampons or pads they also bought chocolate. It was a pretty amusing observation and, about 90% of the time, it never failed! I crave chocolate during That Time of the Month, and apparently so do a lot of other women. And ladies, just treat yourself.

A couple pieces of chocolate will not make you gain weight-- but restricting chocolate from your diet will probably end up in a chocolate binge later on, which will make you gain weight. Buy something special and delicious-- if you're going to indulge, make it worth it. Life is too short for mediocre chocolate.

7. Practice Self-Care

Ladies, you need to take care of yourself. By taking care of yourself, I don't mean the basics--which you should definitely do anyways. I mean really taking the time to pamper yourself. This doesn't mean you have to spend a day at the spa, but if that's what you want to do--go for it! It can be something as simple as reading a book while sipping a warm cup of coffee, a trip to the grocery store alone (if you're a mama), or applying a rejuvenating facial mask. Do anything that makes you feel good, centered, and at peace.

How do you survive that Time of the Month? What matters most to you when you're on your period? Share your answer in the comments or via social media using the hashtag #WhatMatterstoU. Get up to $25 in rewards with just for you by purchasing U by Kotex® at Walmart

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