Monday, April 18, 2016

What’s Happening Lately (in pictures)

The last couple of weeks have been busy—but a good busy! I have a good feeling that this summer is going to be a fun one.

We have been lucky to have my dad working in the area. My mom tags along and that means we get to spend some time with her.

That also means that we get to go swimming at their hotel every once in a while.

Now that the weather has gotten nicer, we have been spending a lot of time outside! It’s wonderful. Finally! We had a picnic with a friend and enjoyed a nice walk.

My business partners and I had a gathering to share our products. It turned out really well and was really fun! Definitely going outside of my comfort zone, but I made some new friends in the process so it was worth it.

A new friend came to spend the weekend with us and it was a lot of fun! We actually grew up knowing each other but she’s a bit older than me so we never really connected. We have a lot in common—so that’s good! We spent a lot of time outside, relaxing, and chatting.

Little Miss Sunshine’s second birthday is coming up so we’ve been looking for an outdoor play set. I was looking at new ones but realized how expensive they are for a nice sized one. I did a little searching and I was able to find a used Little Tykes climber for $30! It is in great condition because it was always kept indoors.

Little Miss Sunshine just loves it! She goes down the slide over and over again.

We had a picnic with grandma today! Another beautiful day meant we had to spend it outdoors. The rest of the week is supposed to be rainy.

This was Little Miss Sunshine’s first time playing in the sand. She absolutely loved it. It was pretty cute.

So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! I feel like so many areas of my life have improved. I’m getting out more, making more friends, going outside of my comfort zone, and otherwise feeling more fulfilled.

But what is it about this struggle with my weight that makes me feel like I am worthless? I’ve got to get this figured out. I do know that I’m taking the steps to do that—it’s just a process.

What have you been up to?

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